AMIC system for ligament recovery Jacobi M, Jakob R.P Fribourg Switzerland
Slide 2The issue Symptoms? Prognostic? Treatment?
Slide 3Symptoms? 19 year old patient OCD right and left asympomatic symptomatic
Slide 4Symptoms? Strolling time 3h Walking time 30min
Slide 5Prognostic? Seeker (1743) „From Hippocrates to the present age it is generally permitted that ulcerated ligament is a troublesome thing and that when obliterated, it is not recouped." Hunter W. On the structure and maladies of articulating ligaments. Philos Trans Roy Soc. 42B:514-521, 1743
Slide 6Treatment? Analgetics SADOA Phytotherapeutics Vitamin E Cytokine rivals Growth components Orthokin Physical therapie Electrotherapie Ortheses Continous passiv movement Lavage Débridement Pridie boring Laser smouthing Abrasion arthroplasty Spongialisation Cartilage shaving Microfracture strategy Mosaic plasty allogen Mosaic plasty autologes Mosaic plasty xenogen Condyle exchange MEGA-OATS Outerbridge plasty Screw obsession Hemi-Arthroplasty Total-Arthroplasty Open wedge osteotomy Closing wedge ostetomy Arthrodeses Autologes chondrocytes implantation (ACI) with periost fold Autologes chondrocyte implantation with collagen film AMIC Autologous chondrocyte implantation second era with Scaffold of PGA, PLA, collagen, hyaloronic corrosive, fibrin and so forth with or without chondrocytes or foundational microorganisms, autologes oder allogen with or without development elements Gore-Tex Carbon fibre Dacron Silikon (Salucartilage) Teflon implantation Morselized autologous osteochondral blend Perichondrium fold Periost fold De novo catilage embed And others...
Slide 8Why AMIC Analgetics SADOA Phytotherapeutics Vitamin E Cytokine enemies Growth components Orthokin Physical therapie Electrotherapie Ortheses Continous passiv movement Lavage Débridement Pridie boring Laser smouthing Abrasion arthroplasty Spongialisation Cartilage shaving Microfracture method Mosaic plasty allogen Mosaic plasty autologes Mosaic plasty xenogen Condyle exchange MEGA-OATS Outerbridge plasty Screw obsession Hemi-Arthroplasty Total-Arthroplasty Open wedge osteotomy Closing wedge ostetomy Arthrodeses Autologes chondrocytes implantation (ACI) with periost fold Autologes chondrocyte implantation with collagen film AMIC Autologous chondrocyte implantation second era with Scaffold of PGA, PLA, collagen, hyaloronic corrosive, fibrin and so forth with or without chondrocytes or undeveloped cells, autologes oder allogen with or without development variables Gore-Tex Carbon fibre Dacron Silikon (Salucartilage) Teflon implantation Morselized autologous osteochondral blend Perichondrium fold Periost fold De novo catilage embed And others...
Slide 9What implies AMIC An utologous M embrane I nduced C hondrogenesis (Behrens 2001)
Slide 10Case 36 year old male Status 17y after fractional average meniscectomy 2y prior, hyperextension damage with full thickness average condylar ligament harm
Slide 13Step 1: Osteotomy
Slide 14Step 2: Abrasion Chondroplasty and Microfracture
Slide 15Step 3: Covering the deformity with Chondro-Gide ® layer Matrix slice to the size and sutured to the imperfection with 5-0 PDS
Slide 16Step 4: Injection of Serum and opening of the tourniquet Meanwhile the serum of the patient is blended with the thrombin of which a large portion of the thrombin has been disposed of (Behrens, AMIC)
Slide 17Step 5: Extension and Flexion of the knee Blood and fibrin stick have extended the framework
Slide 18Postoperative Rx result
Slide 19Rehabilitation No movement of the knee for 7-10 days took after by Kinetec Crutch strolling for 10 weeks until osteotomy is recuperated and the deformity is filled
Slide 20Why AMIC? Single stage methodology Coasts are direct Chondro-Gide ® gives a lattice to shape fibrocartilage it ensures and balances out the blood coagulation it averts seeping into the joint No contributor site bleakness No cell culture
Slide 21But... We generally check the mechanical alignement with full leg radiographs or a CT for femoropatellar issues We are extremely liberal to play out an extra osteotomy
Slide 22Results
Slide 24Type II collagen-GAG platform Geistlich Biomaterials Trochlear Groove HA Breinan, et al . J . Orthop. Res. 2000;18:781
Slide 25Hyaline Fibrocart. Stringy Total fill 100 80 75 60 50 40 25 20 0 µfx/II µfx/II 15 Wks Post-operation., n=8, Mean ± SEM % HA Breinan, et al . JOR 2000;18:781
Slide 26Microfracture-Treated Defects, 15 weeks post-operation Adjacent articular ligament Defect Microfracture alone Defect Adjacent articular ligament Microfracture in addition to a sort II collagen embed HA Breinan, et al . JOR 2000;18:781
Slide 27Total 42 instances of AMIC methodology (2003-2006)
Slide 28Indications Femoropatellar joint 21 Femoral sore 6 Femoral OCD sore 9 Talar OCD injury 6 Total 42
Slide 29Histology
Slide 30Failures Femoropatellar joint 21 -> 0 Femoral sore 6 -> 1 Femoral OCD sore 9 -> 2 Talar OCD sore 6 -> 0 Total 42 -> 3
Slide 31Failures 1 Femoral sore III° not debrided to an IV° sore 2 OCD sores without adequate debridement All different cases have a sactisfactory result (6-30 month development)
Slide 32Case 2 44y old female Obesity 120kg Femoropatellar torment VAS (0-10) 9 Walking time 15 min
Slide 36Patella Trochlea
Slide 38Debridement
Slide 39Drilling
Slide 40Abrasion
Slide 41Covering Patella with Chondro-Gide ®
Slide 42Additional surgery Coverage of trochlea with Periost Cambium down Slight medialisation and ventralisation of tuberosity Lateral discharge
Slide 43Result 1 year 2 year Preoperative VAS (0-10) 2-3 Walking 2 hours conceivable
Slide 45Case 3: OCD Cangoroo strategy 44 year old male Large Osteochondral Defect on average femoral condyle
Slide 48First step: Unloading Osteotomy
Slide 49after 4 weeks Abrasion and microfracturing
Slide 50Preparation of Chondro-Gide Matrix
Slide 51Spongiosa + Hydroxyappatite + Serum + Fibringlue
Slide 52Filling of the deformity and film suture
Slide 53after 2 month
Slide 54Conlusion In rundown this new technique for moment scope is intriguing on the grounds that it is promptly accessible and monetary. Whether it will offer adequate a ligament recover we should see. In any case, for OCD, which is primarily an issue of the bone, it offers a legitimate option. At times we can make a better than average fibrocartilage with hyaline like segments.
Slide 55As likely all techniques, it doesn't endure mechanical over-burden due to an unfavorable mechanical hub arrangement. We subsequently are exceptionally liberal with arrangement remedy. A radical debridement is constantly fundamental
Slide 56Thank you Hôpital cantonal Fribourg