The Alabama-West Florida Conference

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We are the general population of The United Methodist Church. We have faith in

Presentation Transcript

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The Alabama-West Florida Conference CORE TEAM RETREAT "Grateful for your organization in the gospel from the main day as of not long ago" Philippians 1:5

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We are the general population of The United Methodist Church We trust in – making supporters of Jesus Christ for the change of the world

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We live by two sorts of sacredness Personal and Social

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We take after three straightforward standards Do no damage Do great Stay in affection with God

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We work in four territory of center

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Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3 What does a New Testament Church resemble?

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Frontier Evangelistic Fruitful Disciplined-Teaching Generous Worshiping Fasting Missionary The "Signs" of A Great Church:

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We have overlooked that our significant work as a congregation isn't expanded participation figures, dynamic projects, developing spending plans, paying allocations and extended offices – it's otherworldly arrangement. That is the thing that the Great Commission is about – making supporters.

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Let's Assume This is What God Desires for The Church Then a dream starts to develop: Every assembly can be a dutiful, solid, missional , evanglistic gathering, paying little mind to measure! The specifics of this are recorded in Acts 11-13

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The Face of Ministry Video Clip of how service frequently looks

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This New Testament Church Becomes The Target Toward Which We Move The Goal We Aim To Achieve The Picture We Hold Before Our Churches As Conference Leaders how would we certify this? This is not the "Adoration Boat," This is an "Ice Breaker."

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Think of our Conference as a "Ship" - we couldn't turn the ship 90 degrees without doing a great deal of harm. For whatever length of time that we are turning the ship toward the objective, we stay steadfast and know in the end we will get the objective.

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We have to grow greater affectability to what the Spirit is driving us to be and do. You've heard this some time recently, however once in a while we should be helped to remember the rudiments. We should be helped to remember God's unique expectation for his congregation.

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If we take a gander at research and what is working somewhere else, we can discover helpful intimations to manage our gathering, locale and congregational arranging.

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Planning Is Important All arranging must be done under the direction of the Holy Spirit and guideline of the Word. Notwithstanding when we utilize models of service recommended by research, we should figure out how to be more reliant upon God and more open to bearing from the Spirit.

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Study took a gander at places of worship and inquired as to why some were compelling and others not viable. Burned through One Million Dollars on the learn About 85% were not viewed as compelling Of the 15% considered successful there would one say one was steady subject: They considered the Great Commission important They had addressed the straightforward question: Is Jesus Lord and Head of the congregation, or are the individuals? The Alban Institute's Study of Lutheran Churches

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The UnStoppable Force : "The congregation turned into an asylum from the world as opposed to a drive on the planet. The social condition got to be distinctly agreeable, and the gospel moved from a congregation 'on mission' to a congregation that upheld missions." p.30

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Death By Meeting What did you like about the book? Did anything strike you as germane to their unique situation and to our own? How might you characterize the distinctive sorts of gatherings as utilized as a part of this book?

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Meetings Good gatherings give chances to enhance execution by quickening basic leadership and killing the need to return to issues and once more. p.250 Basic difficulties are not sufficiently giving time, endeavoring to handle an excessive number of things at one time, and inability to get ready. P.244

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There are some essential needs if a group is to work effeciently Providing time and correspondence for fundamental data, permitting everybody to comprehend needs and required activity. Time to permit everybody to concentrate on viable issues and prompt concerns. Time to examine, wrangle about and choose all that will address the basic mission. Time to assess and conform choices.

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Death By Meeting We can change what is presently excruciating and monotonous into something beneficial, convincing, and notwithstanding stimulating. P.viii What doesn't work: Trying to dispense with gatherings Avoiding struggle Failure to move from strategic to vital issues Thinking correspondence alone is adequate Duplicating the work of different groups Failure to assess advance

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Some Familiar Quotes: "The gathering calmly and impartially talked about cost reports, cost strategies, and whatever else that needed to do with the organization of costs." p.33 "I'm sad, however these gatherings are astounding. You all invest more energy completing less and abstaining from anything remotely fascinating." p.85 "We get so off track we don't generally arrive at any decisions about what we ought to do next." p.160 "Gatherings are the movement at the focal point of each association. We should on a very basic level reconsider a significant part of the way we see and oversee gatherings." p.221

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Here's A Clue: Do we toss each kind of issue that should be talked about into a similar meeting? On the other hand do we perceive there are distinctive gatherings for various purposes – each of which serves a legitimate capacity?

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What does our Conference Expect? Do we anticipate that pioneers will keep the "trains on the track?" Meaning to keep things running easily, as we have done before? Do we anticipate that pioneers will lay new track? To take us in headings and spots that are new, yet, satisfy the mission to make devotees of Jesus Christ?

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Remember: Conference Leaders are Spiritual Consultants and Interventionists The mediations come at purposes of "noncompliance" and are utilized to help other people leave their "Egypt" They take the expression of God to the gentiles interestingly. As Spiritual Leaders, we show the way

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JOYFUL OBEDIENCE McManus, "When the individuals who hold places of authority in the congregation of Jesus Christ stand restricted to the very heart of God and decline to present their lives to his Word, it is the demise of the life of that congregation." p.35 God does not show up nor favor us where there is defiance.

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The Biblical Roadmap Jesus' welcome to deny self and tail Him is a similar welcome to our gathering. It is the place we begin. We are a gathering who above all else deny ourselves and take after Jesus. Honest to goodness change and "turnaround" comes when we figure out how to trade a narcissistic world for one where Christ and kingdom qualities are organized.

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Do We Believe: Every assembly, and meeting, can be a faithful, imperative, missional , evangelistic assemblage paying little heed to measure? Congregational essentialness is not about motivating individuals to show up, it is safeguarding that God appears? As Conference Leaders, what actions are we taking to make this a reality?

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Question When congregational pioneers and clergymen take a gander at us, do they see Spiritual Leaders who display the way? Then again do they see somebody who has been given "a vocation" and is "in control?" Do others consider us to be somebody whom they can approach to asset their service? Then again do they consider us to be another gathering whom they are supporting through the divisions?

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Your Opinion What is the best thing we can do to manufacture an extension between the Annual Conference and the Local Church?

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Your Opinion What is the essential discussion we ought to have this quadrennium ?

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Your Opinion If you could offer me any individual guidance, what might it be?

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As Spiritual Leaders We Must Ask: What might God have us do? Takes every necessary step of service truly have the essentialness we append to it? Additionally imperative, the political power that straightforwardly leads the world, or the kingdom of God that subtly sanctifies it? (Richard Lischer )

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The Primary Question: The essential question is not whether we will give profound administration – it is whether it will be done well or ineffectively!

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In Humility and Obedience, let us make progress toward magnificence: "If then there is any support in Christ, any relief from adoration, any partaking in the Spirit, any empathy and sensitivity, make my satisfaction finish: be of a similar personality, having a similar love, being in full accord and of one personality." "Do nothing from childish desire or arrogance, yet in modesty view others as superior to anything yourselves." Let each of you look not to your own particular advantages, but rather to the interests of others." (Philippians 2)

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What is our Expectation? Reviving Excellence , Greg Jones & Keven Armstrong, have brought up: "The church are not anticipated that would be Christ, but rather they are relied upon to practice initiative in a way steady with Christ." p.98 "Service both calls forward and requests the absolute best we can give; it calls for greatness in all that we are and do." p.20

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Excellence in Ministry Excellence in service is not a measuring stick put before us to "measure up ." Excellence is a state of mind. It involves the heart to readily offer ourselves to the One we adore - to give a valiant effort – dependably.

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This Is The First Intervention Obedience to God. This implies relinquishing our own inclinations This implies grasping a promise to Christ's missional motivation We welcome God to take control and rule among us

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Working As A Team Offers the Power of Encouragement Offers a Place of Accountability Creates more extensive base of Influence Generates Creativity Models Christian Community

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Five Dysfunctions of a TEAM

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As Conference Leaders We Are Developing SPIRITUAL LEADERS who show Christian people group that learns and leads together Creating ENVIRONMENTS that cultivate change Establishing PROCESSES