The OAIS Reference Model: current usage Michael Day, UKOLN, University of Bath Chinese-European Workshop on Digital Preservation, Beijing, China, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 2Presentation plot The OAIS Reference Model (brief) Background Definitions Functional Model Information Model Implementing the model: Preservation metadata System plan Conformance and affirmation Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 3The OAIS reference display (1) Background: Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Development drove by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Adopted as ISO 14721:2003 Establishes a typical structure of terms and ideas Identifies the essential elements of an OAIS Defines a data demonstrate Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 4The OAIS reference show (2) Provides meanings of terms that need very much characterized implications, e.g.: Archival Storage, Content Data Object, Designated Community (key term), Ingest, Metadata, Representation Information, and so forth. OAIS = "An file, comprising of an association of individuals and frameworks, that has acknowledged the duty to save data and make it accessible for a Designated Community" (OAIS 1.7.2) Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 5The OAIS reference display (3) High level ideas, e.g.: the earth of an OAIS (Producers, Consumers, Management) Definitions of data , Information Objects and their association with Data Objects Definitions of Information Packages , calculated holders of Content Information and Preservation Description Information OAIS Responsibilities Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 6The OAIS reference demonstrate (4) Functional Model: Six substances Ingest Archival Storage Data Management Administration Preservation Planning Access Described utilizing UML outlines Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 7The OAIS reference show (5) PRODUCER CONSUMER Preservation Planning DIP Descriptive information. Graphic data. Get to questions Data Management SIP result sets Ingest orders Archival Storage SIP AIP SIP DIP Administration MANAGEMENT OAIS Functional Entities (Figure 4-1) Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 8The OAIS reference display (6) Information demonstrate: Information Object (essential idea): Data Object (bit-stream) Representation Information (allows "the full elucidation of Data Object into significant data") Information Object Classes: Content Information Preservation Description Information (PDI) Packaging Information Descriptive Information Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 9The OAIS reference show (7) Information demonstrate (proceeded with): Information bundle: Container that typifies Content Information and PDI Packages for accommodation (SIP), authentic capacity (AIP) and spread (DIP) AIP = "... a compact method for alluding to an arrangement of data that has, on a basic level, the greater part of the qualities required for changeless, or uncertain, Long Term Preservation of an assigned Information Object" Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 10The OAIS reference show (8) Archival Information Package (AIP): Content Information Original focus of protection Information Object (Data Object & Representation Information) Preservation Description Information (PDI) other data (metadata) "which will permit the comprehension of the Content Information over an inconclusive timeframe" An arrangement of Information Objects Based on classes examined in CPA/RLG report: Preserving Digital Information (1996) Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 11The OAIS reference demonstrate (9) Preservation Description Information Reference Information Provenance Information Context Information Fixity Information PDI Preservation Description Information (Figure 4-16) Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 12The OAIS reference display (10) There is much, a great deal more … The Archival Information Unit and Archival Information Collections Data changes Digital Migration Preservation of look and feel (e.g., copying, virtual machines) Interoperability Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 13Implementing OAIS (1) Fundamentals: OAIS is a reference show (applied structure), NOT a diagram for framework plan It educates the outline of framework models, the advancement of frameworks and segments It gives basic meanings of terms … a typical dialect, method for making correlation But it doesn't guarantee consistency or interoperability between executions Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 14Implementing OAIS (2) ISO 14721:2003 distributed in mid 2003 However, prior forms of the model made accessible by the CCSDS educated usage much sooner than then Three wide regions of impact: Preservation metadata blueprints Architecture and framework plan Conformance criteria Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 15Implementing OAIS - metadata (1) The OAIS Information Model has been utilized to advise the improvement of safeguarding metadata patterns, e.g.: Draft constructions created by the National Library of Australia, Cedars extend, NEDLIB extend, and so forth. Data Model utilized for the theoretical structure of the OCLC/RLG Metadata Framework (2002) PREMIS working gathering Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 16Implementing OAIS - metadata (2) The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) A XML-based metadata system for the relationship of advanced protest content with metadata A XML "wrapper" joining "cans" of elucidating, authoritative and auxiliary metadata For question exchange or presentation METS items can be viewed as a usage of OAIS Information Packages (SIP, AIP, and DIP) Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 17Implementing OAIS - frameworks (1) Two primary uses (to date): To break down existing protection administration rehearses Helps with the examination of stores and the recognizable proof of essential holes "It is accepted that implementers will utilize this reference demonstrate as a guide while building up a particular execution to give distinguished administrations and content" (OAIS 1.4) Some cases … Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 18Implementing OAIS - frameworks (2) Ensuring Access to Mathematics Over Time Cornell University Library and SUB Göttingen Stated expect to "develop and actualize a framework that holds fast to the standards set forth in the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model." Maintains catalog of OAIS capacities Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 19Implementing OAIS - frameworks (3) Stanford Digital Repository Stanford University Libraries & Academic Information Resources Designing "OAIS-compliant" framework for overseeing digitized objects, distributions (e.g. from HighWire Press), electronic records, programming, and so on "… a way to accumulate and ensure each feature of the University's authoritative memory and scholarly capital." Needs proportional to petabytes Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 20Implementing OAIS - frameworks (4) OCLC Digital Archive Service Subscription benefit gave by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Objects collected from Web or can be submitted in clump (ingest) Integrated with inventoriing work processes OCLC safeguarding metadata detail "Based on OAIS" Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 21Implementing OAIS - frameworks (5) Many different illustrations: Cedars extend conveyed chronicle model Representation nets Harvard University Library XML-based Submission Information Package for e-diaries DSpace KB e - Depot Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 22Implementing OAIS - conformance (1) Many stores guarantee OAIS consistence: e.g., DSpace, OCLC Digital Archive, METS, and so forth. Additionally, the LOCKSS System has created a "formal explanation of conformance to ISO 14721:2003" ( The OAIS display cases to be a reason for conformance (OAIS 1.4), e.g.: Supporting the data demonstrate (OAIS 2.2), Fulfilling compulsory obligations (OAIS 3.1) Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 23Implementing OAIS - conformance (2) OAIS Mandatory Responsibilities: Negotiating and tolerating data Obtaining adequate control of the data to guarantee long haul protection Determining the "designated community" Ensuring that data is "independently understandable" Following recorded strategies and techniques Making the saved data accessible Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 24Implementing OAIS - conformance (3) OCLC/RLG Digital Archive Attributes Working Group Trusted Digital Repositories report (2002) Recommended the improvement of a procedure for the confirmation of advanced stores Audit show Standards display Goes well past OAIS obligatory duties e.g., managerial duty, authoritative suitability, money related maintainability, framework security, and so forth. Chinese-European Workshop, Beijing, 14-16 July 2004
Slide 25Implementing OAIS - conformance (4) RLG/NARA Task Force on Digital Repository Certification Research Libraries Group (RLG) and the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). To characterize confirmation model and process Identify those things that should be ensured (characteristics, forms, capacities, and so forth.) De