The Dawn Phenomenon and the IDDM Patient Karina Salvo
Slide 2What is the Dawn Phenomenon ? Hungry? Sorry… Can't eat until that am dosage of insulin begins working! Why? Morning Hyperglycemia
Slide 3The Rationale To decide the reason for the Dawn Phenomenon What should be possible to keep the Dawn Phenomenon.
Slide 4A Few Considerations Daytime Variations in Glucose Levels Nighttime Variations in Glucose Levels Sleep Schedules Eating Habits Work Schedules Weight
Slide 5The Daytime Rollercoaster AM: Glu Insulin PM: Glu Insulin
Slide 6The Nighttime Upward Spiral
Slide 7Counter Regulatory Hormones Cortisol Glucagon Epinephrine GH
Slide 8Counter Regulatory Results SUPRESSION OF: Cortisol , Glucagon, Epinephrine Dawn Phenomenon SUPRESSION OF: GH Dawn Phenomenon
Slide 9Why GH Suppression Works Theory: GH manages Lipolysis expanding [FFA] FFA seek Glu Gluconeogenesis Results: HYPERGLYCEMIA
Slide 10The Sleeping Arrangements Animals versus Humans
Slide 11Obesity Insulin Resistance GH Suppressed
Slide 12Another Factor To Consider 3am Glu Production > 7am Glu Utilization Meaning: Overproduction + Underutilization = HYPERGLYCEMIA "TIMING IS EVERYTHING"
Slide 13Why the Dawn Phenomenon? Decreased Insulin Sensitivity Increased Insulin leeway in early AM Timing & Utilization Sleep initiated GH Excess GH Time of PM insulin
Slide 14Insulin Availability 2 Types of Insulin: Fast/Short ( HYPERglycemic ) Slow/Long ( HYPOglycemic/BEDTIME )
Slide 15Now What? What is Under Our Control? Dinnertime PM Insulin
Slide 16Prevention of The Dawn Phenomenon PM Insulin at BEDTIME