Section 10 Personality

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Characterizing Some Terms. Identity: A person\'s interesting and generally stable conduct designs; the consistency of who you are, have been, and will becomeCharacter: Personal attributes that have been judged or evaluatedTemperament: Hereditary parts of identity, including affectability, states of mind, peevishness, and adaptabilityPersonality Trait: Stable qualities that a man appears in most situat

Presentation Transcript

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Section 10 Personality

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Defining Some Terms Personality: A man's special and generally stable conduct designs; the consistency of your identity, have been, and will get to be Character: Personal qualities that have been judged or assessed Temperament: Hereditary parts of identity, including affectability, inclinations, fractiousness, and flexibility Personality Trait: Stable qualities that a man appears by and large Personality Type: People who have a few characteristics in like manner

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Personality Types and Other Concepts Carl Jung, Swiss therapist who was a Freudian pupil, trusted that we are one of two identity sorts: Introvert: Shy, egotistical individual whose consideration is centered around Extrovert: Bold, friendly individual whose consideration is coordinated outward Self-Concept: Your thoughts, observations, and emotions about your identity Self-Esteem: How we assess ourselves; a constructive self-assessment of ourselves Low Self-regard: An adverse self-assessment

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Personality Theories: An Overview Personality Theory: System of ideas, suppositions, thoughts, and standards proposed to clarify identity; incorporates five points of view: Trait Theories: Attempt to realize what characteristics make up identity and how they identify with real conduct Psychodynamic Theories: Focus on the inward workings of identity, particularly inner clashes and battles Behavioristic Theories: Focus on outside condition and on impacts of molding and learning Social Learning Theories: Attribute contrasts in viewpoints to socialization, desires, and mental procedures Humanistic Theories: Focus on private, subjective experience and self-awareness

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Gordon Allport and Traits Common Traits: Characteristics shared by most individuals from a culture Individual Traits: Describe a man's interesting individual qualities Cardinal Traits: So essential that the majority of a man's exercises can be followed back to the characteristic Central Traits: Core characteristics of an identity Secondary Traits: Inconsistent or shallow parts of a man

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Raymond Cattell and Traits Surface Traits: Features that make up the obvious zones of identity Source Traits: Underlying qualities of an identity; each reflected in various surface characteristics Cattell additionally made 16PF , identity test Gives a "photo" of an individual's identity

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Raymond Cattell and the "Huge Five" Personality Factors Extroversion Agreeableness Conscientious Neuroticism Openness to Experience

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Traits and Situations Trait-Situation Interactions: Traits ______________ with ____________ to decide ________________. Behavioral Genetics: Study of acquired behavioral qualities. Are distinctive parts of our identity pre-decided?

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Psychoanalytic Theory and Sigmund Freud was a Viennese doctor who thought his patients' issues were more enthusiastic than physical. Freud started his work by utilizing mesmerizing and inevitably changed to analysis. Freud had numerous adherents: Jung and Adler, to give some examples. Freud utilized cocaine and tobacco and kicked the bucket from oral disease. Over 100 years after the fact, his work is still powerful and extremely disputable

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Some Key Freudian Terms Psyche: Freud's expression for the identity Libido: Energy Eros: Life senses Thanatos: Death intuition

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Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory: The Id Innate organic senses and urges; self-serving, nonsensical, and absolutely oblivious Works on Pleasure Principle: Wishes to have its yearnings (pleasurable) fulfilled NOW, without holding up and paying little heed to the results

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Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory: The Ego Executive; coordinates id energies Partially cognizant and mostly oblivious Works on Reality Principle: Delays activity until it is functional and additionally fitting

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Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory: The Superego Judge or blue pencil for considerations and activities of the inner self Superego originates from our folks or guardians; blame originates from the superego Two sections Conscience: Reflects activities for which a man has been rebuffed Ego Ideal: Second some portion of the superego; reflects conduct one's folks affirmed of or compensated

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Freudian Dynamics of Personality and Anxieties Ego is dependably gotten amidst fights between superego's goals for good conduct and the id's cravings for prompt satisfaction Neurotic Anxiety: Caused by id motivations that the personality can scarcely control Moral Anxiety: Comes from dangers of discipline from the superego Unconscious: Holds curbed recollections and feelings and the id's instinctual drives Conscious: Everything you know about at a given minute Preconscious: Material that can undoubtedly be brought into mindfulness

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Freudian Personality Development Develops in stages; everybody experiences same stages in same request Majority of identity is framed before age 6 Fixation: Unresolved clash or enthusiastic hang-up created by overindulgence or disappointment

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Freudian Personality Development: Oral Stage Oral Stage: Ages 0-1. The greater part of baby's pleasure originates from incitement of the mouth. On the off chance that a youngster is overloaded or baffled, oral qualities will create. Early oral obsessions can bring about… Oral Dependent Personality: Gullible, aloof, and require loads of consideration. Later oral obsessions can bring about… Oral-forceful grown-ups who get a kick out of the chance to contend and abuse others

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Freudian Personality Development: Anal Stage Anal Stage: Ages 1-3. Consideration swings to procedure of end. Kid can pick up endorsement or express animosity by giving up or hanging on. Conscience creates. Unforgiving or merciful can preparing can make a tyke: Anal Retentive: Stubborn, closefisted, organized, and habitually clean Anal Expulsive: Disorderly, untidy, dangerous, or savage

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Freudian Personality Development: Phallic Stage Phallic Stage: Ages 3-6. Tyke now sees and is physically pulled in to inverse sex parent. The youngster is vain, touchy, narcissistic. Can prompt to: Oedipus Conflict: For young men as it were. Kid feels competition with his dad for his mom's warmth. Kid may feel undermined by father (mutilation uneasiness). To determine, kid must relate to his dad (i.e., turn out to be more similar to him and embrace his hetero convictions). Electra Conflict: Girl adores her dad and rivals her mom. Young lady relates to her mom all the more gradually in light of the fact that she as of now feels mutilated. Both ideas are generally dismisses today by most therapists

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Freudian Personality Development: Latency Stage Latency: Ages 6-Puberty. Psychosexual advancement is torpid. Same sex companionships and play happen here.

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Freudian Personality Development: Genital Stage Genital Stage: Puberty-on. Acknowledgment of full grown-up sexuality happens here; sexual urges re-stir.

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Learning Theories and Some Key Terms Behavioral Personality Theory: Model of identity that accentuates _________ and noticeable __________. Learning Theorist: Believes that learning shapes our conduct and clarifies identity Situational Determinants: External conditions that impact our practices

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Dollard and Miller's Theory Habits: Learned conduct designs; makes up structure of identity. Represented by: Drive: Any boost sufficiently solid to urge a man energetically (like yearning) Cue: Signals from the condition that guide reactions Response: Any conduct, either inner or noticeable; activities Reward: Positive fortification SOUND FAMILIAR?

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Social Learning Theory (Rotter) Definition: A clarification that consolidates learning standards, discernment, and the impacts of social connections Psychological Situation: How the individual deciphers or characterizes the circumstance Expectancy: Anticipation that making a reaction will prompt to support Reinforcement Value: Subjective esteem joined to a specific movement or reinforcer

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Social Learning Theory (cont'd) Self-viability: Capacity for delivering a sought outcome Self-fortification: Praising or compensating oneself for having made a specific reaction (getting a decent evaluation) - Conscience Social Reinforcement: Praise, consideration, as well as endorsement from others Identification: Feeling candidly associated with respected grown-ups Imitation: Desire to act like an appreciated individual

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Miller and Dollard's Four Critical Childhood Situations Feeding Toilet or cleanliness preparing Sex preparing Learning to express outrage or animosity

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Humanism Approach that spotlights on human experience, issues, possibilities, and beliefs Human Nature: Traits, qualities, possibilities, and conduct designs most normal for people Free Choice: Ability to pick that is NOT controlled by hereditary qualities, learning, or oblivious powers Subjective Experience: Private impression of reality Self-Actualization (Maslow): Process of completely creating individual possibilities Peak Experiences: Temporary snapshots of self-realization

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Carl Rogers' Self Theory Fully Functioning Person: Lives in agreement with his/her most profound emotions and driving forces Self: Flexible and changing view of one's personality Self-Image: Total subjective view of your body and identity Incongruence: Exists when there is an error between one's encounters and mental self portrait Ideal Self: Idealized picture of oneself (the individual one might want to be)

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More Rogerian Concepts Conditions of Worth: Internal gauges of assessment utilized by youngsters Positive Self-Regard: Thinking of oneself as a decent, adorable, beneficial individual Unconditional Positive Regard: Unshakable love and endorsement

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Personality Assessment Interview: Face-to-face meeting intended to pick up data about somebody's identity, current mental state, or individual history Unstructured Interview: Conversation is casual, and themes are talked about as they emerge Structured Interview: Follows a prearrang