Look into Methodology Paul Wagner (Student ACM Meeting, Fall 2003)
Slide 2Messages Research: Should be about some issue that empowers eagerness (for you) and enthusiasm (for others) Is frequently created from the idea "what we have now/from the past isn't exactly right/adequate – we can improve… " Consists of work that prompts to an important commitment Generates, somehow, a superior answer for the issue
Slide 3What Is Research? Merriam-Webster's definition: 1 : watchful or persevering hunt 2 : studious request or examination; particularly : examination or experimentation went for the disclosure and elucidation of realities, update of acknowledged hypotheses or laws in the light of new truths, or down to earth utilization of such new or amended speculations or laws 3 : the gathering of data about a specific subject
Slide 4What Is Research? (2) "A blend of examination of past work and exertion in the present that will help other people later on" An arrangement of alternate extremes Fun and disappointment Small strides and vast experiences Building on others' work and contributing your own particular work Finding or creating something new that progressions the world… .
Slide 5What is Research? (3) Quantitative versus Subjective Research Quantitative – utilization of factual, equation based or numerical investigation to produce comes about Main approach: examination; causal assurance, forecast, speculation of discoveries Results: "This arrangement is N% better" Qualitative – not quantitative; utilization of non-numeric strategies Main approach: disclosure; enlightenment, understanding, extrapolation to comparative conditions Results: "This is another method for tackling our issue"
Slide 6Scope of Research Varies by level of work Ph.D. understudies – commitment expected at world level; e.g. foundation examination on all past work make important expansion to world learning Undergraduate understudies – commitment can be at nearby to national to world level; e.g. foundation examination at college up to world level make significant expansion to college up to world level of information
Slide 7What Isn't Research Playing with innovation Book report Programming venture Doing what others have effectively done However, each of these should be possible as a component of research
Slide 8Who Does Research? Graduate Students Masters Degree (bring down standard) Ph.D. Degree (higher standard) Researchers at colleges Post-Doctoral understudies Faculty individuals Researchers in industry Research researchers Many other specialized laborers Undergraduate understudies (like you)
Slide 9Who Does Research? (2) Individuals Teams quite often make the procedure simpler Division of work Feedback from colleagues Each part can work to claim qualities
Slide 10Research Process (Methodology) Initial Idea Background Investigation Refinement of Idea Core Work Investigation and Development Documentation Prototype (if proper) Evaluation Identification of Future Work Presentation
Slide 11Research Process – Initial Idea Stems from basic supposing Be watchful for and open to seeing issues Gaps in system Repetitive conduct that is marginally unique (and can be summed up) Manual arrangements (that can be robotized) Inelegant arrangements Ask inquiries "Is something missing here?" "Should this be possible betterly?" "Is there a requirement for another approach?" Should be a region you're occupied with, as: You'll be investing a great deal of energy with It won't generally be simple/amusing to proceed…
Slide 12Research Process – Background Investigation Given a thought, need to decide: Has this work been done beforehand? What comparative work has been done paving the way to this point? How is any past function recognized from what I'm wanting to do? What gathering of individuals will be decidedly affected by the exploration? Apparatuses Literature Review utilizing library assets (e.g. online databases, for example, ACM and IEEE, mainstream magazines) WWW look
Slide 13Research Process – Refinement of Idea Based on foundation examination, need to refine thought Issues: Precision – concentrate on exactly distinguishing: Problem Possible arrangements (plural!) Scope – need to "assemble wall" What's a crucial piece of this work? (fence in) What's digressive, extra, or for some other reason best left for some other time/another person? (fence out)
Slide 14Research Process – Core Work, Investigation and Development Provide yourself with foundation hardware/programming extra information ("get up to speed") Do the work Experimentation (logical process) Develop conclusions Look for better methods for taking care of issue Can you sum up? Could you build up a structure? Examine, conceptualize Reevaluate as you continue Look for upgrades, changes to your unique thoughts
Slide 15Research Process – Core Work, Investigation and Development (2) Process Work consistently Easier to continue onward if have a pledge to a customary work time Helps you remember your past work Allocate substantial square of time for research Takes time to go ahead/back to speed Make beyond any doubt can accomplish something huge every work session
Slide 16Research Process – Core Work, Documentation Need to report as you go Don't have any desire to lose any data 1) Maintain a diary for everyday contemplations Can be paper, electronic, ... Keep it with you at all times Never know when smart thoughts will hit 2) Keep a redesigned undertaking list Focus on fulfilling something every work session 3) Write up your work Periodically, compose a couple pages on a subset of your work Summarize work, achievements, issues At end, review an outline archive Can be founded on steps talked about here
Slide 17Research Process – Core Work, Prototype Need to exhibit the value of your thoughts If work is non-hypothetical, do this through a created framework No compelling reason to assemble the whole framework Just need to show the estimation of the center thoughts
Slide 18Research Process - Evaluation Perhaps the most troublesome part… . Best if can demonstrate others are as of now utilizing your work Quantitative Test your model What changes exist over right now accessible option? What amount of a change do you see? Subjective What would you be able to do now that wasn't possible some time recently? What are the advantages of your answer?
Slide 19Research Process – Identification of Future Work Helps you arrange any future endeavors Helps others expand on your work Sources: What you barred in your thought refinement New issues that have surfaced amid your work
Slide 20Research Process - Presentation It's not a commitment to the field if nobody thinks about it or can utilize it Presentation/Dissemination Conferences, Journals, Web e.g. National Undergraduate Research meeting Papers, Talks, Poster Sessions e.g. UWEC and UW System Research Days
Slide 21Example my Master's venture a case for each of you pick a CS subject you're keen on think about an issue or issue you find around there refine your enthusiasm to a conceivable venture that includes at least one methods for taking care of that issue plot the means you'd take to do the venture work and test your thoughts what is your theoretical decision? how might you assess the nature of your answer?
Slide 22Research Opportunities in the Computer Science Department at UW-Eau Claire Research on claim Collaborative workforce understudy explore ventures supported by Research Office and Department potentially for credit: CS 493 Supervised understudy examine ventures CS 482 (Research I), CS 492 (Research II) SIG-Research
Slide 23Resources http://www.cs.indiana.edu/mit.research.how.to/mit.research.how.to.html http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/client/mleone/web/how-to.html http://www.honors.ucr.edu/research.htm http://www.utexas.edu/look into/eureka/assets/why/index.php