Relationship Dysfunction Lecture Overview of the issue Theories of relationship brokenness Empirically-bolstered medicines Traditional BMT Integrative couple treatment Efficacy information Class dialog Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 2Significance of Marital Discord Between 50-67% of wedded grown-ups separate Marital issues speak to the absolute most incessant issue for which individuals search out psychological wellness administrations Divorce and conjugal partitions rank as a standout amongst the most critical stressors and has likewise been appeared to expand individuals' hazard for physical and maladjustment Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 3Significance of Marital Discord Admission to mental healing facilities are the least among the hitched, and most astounding among the separated Motor vehicle mishap rates among those experiencing divorce twofold amid the six months prior and then afterward separate Marital trouble, struggle, and disturbance are related with an extensive variety of harmful consequences for kids Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 4Significance of Marital Discord Adults who encountered a separation as youngsters experience altogether more passionate issues in their grown-up life Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 5What Predicts Marriages to End in Divorce? Medications of Relationship issues
Slide 6Factors Associated with Marital Discord Reinforcement misfortune (behavioral) Positive influence misfortune (passionate) Dysfunctional convictions (psychological) Situational components (ecological) Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 7Factors that Predict Separation and Divorce Parental difference about tyke raising practices (Block, 1981) Emotional dependability (Kelly & Conley, 1987) Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 8Gottman's Balance Theory Gottman (1993) Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 9Gottman Theory: Major Assumptions The course toward conjugal disintegration can be anticipated with only two factors Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 10Gottman Theory: Major Assumptions Not all cynicism is similarly destructive Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 11Gottman Theory: Major Assumptions There is a procedure course that identifies with the couple's impression of the relationship and that likewise predicts disintegration Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 12Process Cascade Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 13Gottman Theory: Major Assumptions During conjugal clash, the view of positive influence is one dimensional , while the impression of negative influence is two dimensional Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 14Gottman Theory: Major Assumptions Flooding prompts to enthusiastic (escape) molding, which causes a condition of hypervigilance to the signals adapted to the flooding. Medicines of Relationship issues
Slide 15Gottman Theory: Major Assumptions Physiological reactivity and constantly large amounts of physiological excitement are identified with division and separation Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 16HR Differences for Husbands who Divorce versus Remain Married Data from Gotttman et al. (2000) Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 17Gottman Model Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 18Incompatibility As a Causal Factor in Relationship Discord Jacobson & Christensen (1996) Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 19Development of Incompatibilities Longitudinal research proposes that the probability of a man finding a mate whose inclinations were good on only three separate measurements was low (17%) Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 20Development of Incompatibilities Potentially conflictual contrasts and likenesses are not liable to make issues right off the bat in the relationship Similarities and contrasts that were at one time a wellspring of fascination may turn into a wellspring of incongruence Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 21Development of Incompatibilities Shared and individual educational encounters may fuel existing contradictions or even make new ones Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 22Incompatibility As a Causal Agent in Relationship Discord Areas of contrariness Level of closeness Extent of asymmetry Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 23Incompatibility As a Causal Agent in Relationship Discord Consequences of inconsistency Coercion Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 24Incompatibility As a Causal Agent in Relationship Discord Consequences of incongruence Coercion Vilification Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 25Incompatibility As a Causal Agent in Relationship Discord Consequences of contrariness Coercion Vilification Polarization Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 26Incompatibility As a Causal Agent in Relationship Discord Factors influencing how couples oversee contrary qualities Level of inconsistency Attractions Personality Conflict determination abilities Stressful conditions Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 27Assessment of Relationship Dysfunction Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 28Assessment of Relationship Dysfunction Partner's convictions that each hold about the relationship (conjugal fulfillment) Lock-Wallace Marital Satisfaction Scale Dyadic Adjustment Scale Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 29Assessment of Relationship Dysfunction What are the everyday collaborations of the couple Spouse Observational Checklist Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 30Assessment of Relationship Dysfunction What are the variables adding to the focal relationship issues? Clinical meeting with each accomplice Self-checking Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 31Assessment of Relationship Dysfunction How do accomplices realize change in their relationship e.g., strife determination aptitudes)? MICS (Marital Interaction Coding System) Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 32Treatment of Relationship Problems Early Behavioral Marital Therapy Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 33Behavioral Marital Therapy History Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 34Procedural Components of BMT Increasing couples' sure trades Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 35Why Start with Increasing Couples Positive Exchanges Changes in issues don't naturally build positive trades Negative life partner practices have a tendency to decrease regardless of the possibility that they are not the concentration May expands receptivity to handle all the more requesting conjugal changes The emphasis on the positive serves to lessen the mates' hardship and along these lines may build the observation that the relationship is justified regardless of the exertion Comparatively simple to execute Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 36Strategies for Increasing Positive Exchanges Giver-started positive trades Have every mate create speculations about expanding accomplice's day by day fulfillment Set target objectives for expanding satisfying practices Use of "affection days" Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 37Strategies for Increasing Positive Exchanges Receiver-started positive trades Teaching life partners to make particular solicitations for satisfying practices Exchange contracts "Treat jostle" Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 38Strategies for Increasing Positive Exchanges Specification of common positive trades Couple satisfies Companionship exercises Shared side interests Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 39Procedural Components of BMT Increasing couples' sure trades Communication preparing Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 40Targets for Communication Training Empathy and listening abilities Validation Learning to discuss sentiments Learning to express negative emotions properly Expression of positive sentiments Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 41Strategic Steps in Communication Training Feedback Coaching and demonstrating Behavioral practice Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 42Cognitive Approaches to Communication Training Teaching accomplices about sex contrasts in conversational style Teaching accomplices about sex contrasts in the importance of talk Identifying useless convictions Correcting useless convictions through correspondence Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 43Considerations in Choosing Exchange Strategies Have accomplices slacked off in their endeavors to satisfy each other? Does one or both accomplices experience issues with making demands from the other? Are the accomplices inadequate in strengthening each other despite the fact that positive practices are being transmitted? Medications of Relationship issues
Slide 44Procedural Components of BMT Increasing couples' certain trades Communication preparing Problem-taking care of preparing Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 45Factors Contributing to Effective Problem-Solving Setting Attitude Distinguishing between issue definition versus issue arrangement Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 46Guidelines for Defining Problems Begin with something positive Be particular Express your sentiments Admit to your part in the issue Be brief when characterizing issues Discuss just a single issue at any given moment Paraphrase Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 47Guidelines for Solution Phase Focus on arrangements that will work later on Brainstorm arrangements Solution ought to include commonality and trade off Final change understandings ought to be particular Final assention ought to incorporate prompts helping each to remember the progressions they are to make Final understanding ought to be recorded in composing Treatments of Relationship issues
Slide 48Therapist Behaviors Associated With a Positive Outcome Structuring abilities Instigation aptitudes Teaching aptitudes Fostering positive hopes Provide enthusiastic nurturance Treatments of Relationship issues .:tslide