Planning College Students for a Diverse Democracy

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Presentation Transcript

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A University Collaboration to Prepare College Students For Participation in a Diverse Democracy in the U.S . Sylvia Hurtado, Mark Engberg, and Luis Ponjuan University of Michigan European Association for Institutional Research Limerick, Ireland August 24-27, 2003

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Presentation Outline Project review Project discoveries: Qualitative Study Longitudinal Study Classroom-based-Study Institutional Study Summary Discussion

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Project Goals To figure out how schools are making assorted learning conditions To investigate how establishments are get ready understudies for cooperation in a various vote based system To find how understudies are gaining from different companions To comprehend and share how distinctive grounds accomplish objectives for subjective, social, and law based results

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Theory Linking Diversity and Learning in College Encountering the new and new makes us desert schedules and think effectively Disequilibrium when one experiences points of view that leave from one's own inserted perspective Learning and social improvement happens when collaborating with other people who hold alternate points of view

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Project Outcomes Cognitive Development Complex supposing aptitudes Reflective Judgment Critical supposing auras Social Cognitive Development Perspective-taking abilities Political mindfulness Democratic Skill Development View that vote based system blossoms with contrast Constructive clash and arrangement Willingness to make a move for social equity

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Arizona State University Norfolk State University of California University of Maryland University of Massachusetts University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of New Mexico University of Washington University of Vermont Participating Institutions

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Research Activities Student center gatherings Longitudinal understudy study Focused classroom-based reviews National overview of organizations

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Student Focus Groups Student center gatherings around every grounds Racial/ethnic dominant part understudy group(s) Largest minority group(s) Students occupied with differences and community activities Specific ethnic gatherings novel to every grounds & geographic area Student encounters with different associates In what settings do differing connections happen? What/how have they gained from different companions?

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Learning Through Diverse Interactions Socio-authentic/social information Perspective-taking/receptiveness Self-mindfulness/self-reflection Collaboration and relational abilities

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Contexts of Interactions with Diverse Peers Curricular Contexts Classes concentrating on differences Small classes Intergroup exchange class Co-curricular Contexts Cultural focuses Living/learning groups Informal social settings Community benefit exercises

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Longitudinal Survey of College Students Survey understudies entering school in Fall 2000 Follow-up at end of second year of school Survey intended to take advantage of: Student convictions and mentalities Student speculation and cooperation Student engagement

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Democratic Outcomes Background Characteristics Ability to See Multiple Perspectives Pre-school/College Environment Conflict Enhances Democracy Pre-school/College Engagement Importance of Social Action Engagement Pre-College/College Interaction Influence of Pre-school and College Variables on Democratic Outcomes

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Entering females will probably report qualities and convictions reliable with results Pre-school engagement created the biggest change in fluctuation Interaction with various associates was noteworthy Frequency and nature of connections with different companions were sure crosswise over models Co-curricular contribution in assorted qualities related occasions Involvement in curricular exercises (differences readings and intergroup discourse) Participation in post 9/11 exercises Longitudinal Trends Across Models Pre-school College Impact

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Focused Classroom-based Study of Three One-Semester Courses 2 Diversity Courses Education and Women's Studies 1 Management Course Instruments Student Thinking and Interacting Survey (STIS) California Critical Thinking and Dispositions Index (CCTDI) Reasoning About Critical Issues (RCI) Defining Issues Test (DIT)

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Beginning of Term Sex Race Acad. Self-Conf Invl w/Frat/Sor (–) Invl w/Political Activities Pos. Qual. Communication Neg. Qual. Communication (–) End of Term Pre-test Diversity Course Pos. Qual. of Interaction Predictors of Social Action Engagement

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Institutional Survey: Defining the Engaged Campus U.S. overview of boss scholarly officers What is a "connected with" grounds? Foundations have an exceptional association with the general population: Autonomous from the general population yet in charge of creating future municipal pioneers and residents A present development in which colleges are rethinking their urban mission and creating associations with their encompassing groups

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Goals of the Institutional Study: To characterize the measurements of communally drew in grounds To distinguish the hierarchical qualities that anticipate college group associations and institutional spending on open administration To add to discourses of how authoritative variables and social settings function fit as a fiddle the metro work of organizations

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Institutional Category Public Institutions***(- ) Doctoral Institutions*** Masters Institutions** Institutional Characteristics Enrollment reflects territory demographics*** Institutional Commitment Core Leadership Support for Civic Engagement *** Institutional Prestige Priority** Institutional Civic Engagement Priority*** Contextual Demographics Percentage Racial/Ethnic Diversity** (- ) Percentage Family Poverty Level*** Level of Community Partnerships

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Institutional Category Public Institutions*** (- ) Civic Engagement Policies and Structures ** Institutional Characteristics HBCU Classification *** Level of Funding for Public Services Activities

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Summary The different reviews here affirm that understudies get a scope of subjective and vote based abilities in connection with various companions Campuses that need to advance both their instructive and city mission can do as such by helping understudies arrange contrasts in foundation and point of view This requires initiative, a dream of objectives for undergrad training, and structures and strategies that advance assorted qualities and group organizations

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For More Information Diverse Democracy Project University of Michigan 610 E. College, 514 SEB Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259 Phone: 734.647.7439 E-mail: Website: