Nourishment Standards in California: An Overview

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Presentation Transcript

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Nourishment Standards in California: An Overview Mike Danzik, M.P.H., R.D. Karen King, R.D. Nourishment Education Specialist Child Nutrition Consultant Nutrition Services Division California Department of Education

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Agenda Relevance History of focused sustenances and refreshments Overview of aggressive nourishments and drinks Upcoming online class preparing Resources and Tools Foods for Healthy Schools (FHS) Web website

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Competitive Foods and Beverages What are they… Foods and drinks sold outside of (and in this manner rivaling) the United States Department of Agriculture suppers

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The California Center for Public Health Advocacy broke down aftereffects of the 2004 California Physical Fitness Test for fifth, seventh and ninth graders. Why is this point pertinent to us as a general public?

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The examination demonstrates that among all understudies in California: 28.1% of youngsters were overweight in 2004, up from 26.5% in 2001. Why is this point pertinent to us as a general public?

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Why is this point imperative to us as a general public? Wellness Gram 2006-2007 State Summary Failed Aerobic Capacity Testing: 5 th Grade 37.3% 7 th Grade 37.8% 9 th Grade 44.5%

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History of Competitive Foods California Schools Remember when the main nourishment accessible on school grounds was the school supper? Sustenance and drink deals by understudy associations - 1977 Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value - 1978

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History of Competitive Foods California Schools Food models (Senate Bill 12) – 2005 Beverage guidelines (Senate Bill 965) – 2005 Local School Wellness Policy – actualized 2006

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History of Competitive Foods California Schools Trans fat nourishment norms (Senate Bill 490) - 2007 State controls to illuminate dialect of SB 12, SB 965 – 2008

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Overview of Competitive Foods and Beverages

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Origin of Requirements Please allude to freebee in your workshop bundle, "Cause of Requirements"

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Origin of Requirements California Legislature United States Legislature US Dept of Agriculture (USDA) California State Board of Education Federal Law State Regulations Federal Regulations State Law United States Code of Federal Regulations California Code of Regulations California Education Code Senate Bills (SB 12, 965) Local School Wellness Policy Title 5 areas 15500, 15501 (Student Organizations) Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value 12

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Group Activity #1. How has this data helped you better comprehend the aggressive food and refreshment prerequisites? #2. By what method would you be able to use this data to pick up support inside your employment capacity?

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Overview of the Requirements (Continued)

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State Law Food and Beverage Standards State Regulation Clarify Education Code Federal Regulation Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value State Regulation Student Organization Sales Competitive Foods Federal Law Local School Wellness Policy

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State Law Food and Beverage Standards California Education Code, areas 49430-49431.7 (Senate Bills 12, 965, & 490) All substances offering sustenance and refreshments (or serving trans fat nourishments) Specific nourishment and drink confinements (contrasts amongst rudimentary and auxiliary) Before/amid/after school (varies amongst basic and optional) WHO: WHAT: WHEN:

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State Regulation Food and Beverage Standards California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 15575-15578 Clarifies sustenance and drink limitations in California Education Code WHAT

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State Regulation Student Organization Sales California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Sections 15500 & 15501 Student associations Additional necessities that exclusive apply to understudy associations WHO: WHAT:

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Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 Federal Law Local School Wellness Policy All regions taking an interest in National School Lunch, School Breakfast, or Special Milk District strategy tending to sustenance rules for all sustenances and refreshments accessible on school grounds WHO: WHAT:

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Federal Regulation Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7, Part 210.11 Appendix B During a school lunch or school breakfast dinner period Food benefit zone WHEN: WHERE:

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Decision Matrix for Competitive Foods and Beverages Who is offering thing? To Whom is Item being sold? What is the thing? Where is the thing being sold? At the point when is the thing being sold? 21

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ACTIVITY #2: Which rules apply? You will require 2 freebees from your workshop parcel: 1. "Synopsis of Competitive Food and Beverage Sales" 2. "Action: Which Rules Apply?"

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Decision Matrix for Competitive Foods and Beverages Who is offering thing? To Whom is Item being sold? What is the thing? Where is the thing being sold? At the point when is the thing being sold?

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Upcoming preparing Competitive Food and Beverage Requirements: Implement with Confidence! Supported by The California Department of Education, Nutrition Services Division Offered as arrangement of four Webinar trainings.

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Competitive Food and Beverage Requirements: Implement with Confidence! Point by point preparing on all tenets on the offer of nourishments and refreshments sold outside of the U.S. Division of Agriculture supper arrange. Government Regulations State law State controls Your Local School Wellness Policy

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Competitive Food and Beverage Requirements: Implement with Confidence! By what method would you be able to profit? Trust in executing California sustenance benchmarks Proficiency in finding assets Understanding and reconciliation of various laws and controls

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Tools Project LEAN Calculator: "Does your nibble measure up?" On-line apparatus @ Or Project LEAN request frame in your workshop bundle

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Tools Coming soon from CDE Road Map to Compliant Foods & Beverages Quick reference cards on Competitive Food & Beverage Requirements On-line Competitive Food & Beverage FAQs Foods for Healthy Schools (FHS)

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Thank you!

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Nutrition Regulations: What's New? Mike Danzik, M.P.H., R.D. Karen King, R.D. Sustenance Education Specialist Child Nutrition Consultant Nutrition Services Division California Department of Education

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Applying the New California State Regulations Newly embraced by the California State Board of Education Effective September 3, 2008.

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California Code of Regulations, Title 5, segments 15575 – 15578 Work in conjunction with Education Code 49430 – 49431.5 (SB 12, 965) Applying the New California State Regulations

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Applying the New California State Regulations New Regulations isolated into four segments: Definitions for Foods (segment 15575) Definitions for Beverages (segment 15576)

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Applying the New California State Regulations 36 New Regulations partitioned into four segments: Food and Beverage Restrictions (segment 15577) Sale of Food Items (segment 15578)

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Applying the New California State Regulations Some prominent changes include: New meaning of non-dairy drain New meaning of electrolyte substitution drink Clarification of " entire grain " Definitions of joined nourishments

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Group Activity Please see "Movement Folder" on your table (black, blue, dark, or tan)

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Group Sharing Middle/High School: Electrolyte Replacement Beverages Elementary School: Non-dairy drain Middle/High School: Combination Foods Elementary School: Whole Grain

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Thank you.

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Fostering Relationships Mike Danzik, M.P.H., R.D. Karen King, R.D. Nourishment Education Specialist Child Nutrition Consultant Nutrition Services Division California Department of Education

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Fostering Relationships Brainstorm Activity In relationship to focused sustenances and refreshments, what challenges do you confront in managing: administration? parent bunches? educators/understudies? media?

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Fostering Relationships Group Activity Please use the accompanying assets: Handout in your workshop bundle titled, "How to Gain Support for Nutrition Standards" Yellow envelope on table named, "Table Resources"

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Fostering Relationships Group Activity GROUP SHARING

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Fostering Relationships Thank you for your interest!