From Eternity Past His Omniscience sees it at the same time as both finished activity at the time, and as a future occasion. Time/Human History Eternity Future Eternity Past God's Omniscience in regards to Election of the Believer and the Book Life Rev 13:8, "All who harp on the earth will love him, everybody whose name has not been composed from the establishment of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been killed."
Slide 2In Time His Omniscience sees it all the while as finished at the time, accordingly, finished in the past and as a future occasion. Time/Human History Eternity Future Eternity Past God's Omniscience with respect to Election of the Believer and the Book Life Rev 3:5, "He who overcomes will in this manner be dressed in white pieces of clothing; and I won't eradicate his name from the book of life, and I will admit his name before My Father and before His heavenly attendants."
Slide 3From Eternity Future His Omniscience sees it as finished right now, and as finished past activity. Time/Human History Eternity Future Eternity Past God's Omniscience with respect to Election of the Believer and the Book Life Rev 20:15, "And if anybody's name was not discovered written in the book of life, he was tossed into the pool of flame."