LCLS Conventional Facilities Dick McDonald Deputy Systems Manager

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2. Burrow Safety

Presentation Transcript

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LCLS Conventional Facilities Dick McDonald Deputy Systems Manager

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Tunnel Safety & Logistics Site Layout Tunnel & Cavern X-Sections Tunnel Safety Tunnel Utilities

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Overall Site Plan

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Tunnel Layout Access Tunnel Length = 324' Min cover = 20' Max cover = 100' NORTH RSY X-Ray Tunnel Length = 645.4' Min cover = 40' Max cover = 80' FEH Cavern Length = 227' Min cover = 80' Max cover = 100' UH Tunnel Length = 575.5' Min cover = 20' Max cover = 60'

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FEH Cavern X-Section 16' Rock dowels Excavation Sequence # Lattice Girder & 12" Shotcrete FEH Cavern 48.5' Wide 32.8' High

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UH Tunnel X-Section 2' thick + sunken segment to build floor inflexibility Concave modify intended to oppose inspiring UH Tunnel 21' Wide 18.5' High

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Sequential Excavation & Support Cycle Excavate with street header Scale & get ready surface for shotcrete Apply 3" shotcrete Install brace segment Install shake dowels as required Apply 3" shotcrete Start next cycle

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Top Heading & entrance Support Top heading with cross section braces Portal bolster Rock dowels Lattice braces Shotcrete Utilities

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Road Header at Work 50 ton Road Header

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Load, Haul and Dump (LHD)

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Shotcrete Pump can be at surface or underground

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Construction Safety Items Tunnel Safety Usual Safety Items Hard Hats Eye & Ear Protection Steel Toe Boots Above things are standard issue to representatives & guests entering development territories.

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Tunnel Safety Items Tunnel Required PPE are issued to representatives and guests going underground MSHA Approved Light MSHA = Mine Safety & Health Administration Self Rescuer Converts carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide

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Tunnel Additional Required PPE Cap light Rescuer and top light being used Self rescuer

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Tunnel Safety Typical Tunnel Hazards Tight working spaces, low light Uneven working & strolling surfaces Wet and sloppy Working in closeness to expansive hardware Falling rocks, earth and shotcrete Utility supply lines Lack of ventilation Noise Methane gas

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Tunnel Classification Tunnels are Classified as Gassy, Potential Gassy or Non gassy Madera sandstone can have little separated pockets of methane gas so our passages are potential gassy Equipment and electrical must be MSHA affirmed for potential gassy We are not excessively worried about gas, but rather are making the following move to be protected

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Tunnel Utilities Compressed air – for pneumatic apparatuses Water – for instrument utilize and tidy control Electrical power – for gear & lighting Ventilation – for crisp clean air Communication & Data Discharge water – overabundance water utilized as a part of development

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15' Tunnel Typical passage utilities Power & lights Ventilation Com. & Data Water Air Discharge

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Typical Vent Fan and Lights Vent fan & light stringer