Beginner SPECTROSCOPY By Keith Schlottman Presented at Texas Star Party 05/16/07
Slide 2Have You Ever Used Spectroscopy? Utilized a Nebula Filter? Seen that Vega is Bluish and Arcturus is Reddish? Seen a Rainbow? Seen the Sun in H-Alpha?
Slide 3The Spectrum Tells A Story Stars Stellar groupings/HR Diagram Age of star Surface gravity Pressure Surface temperature Radial speed Identify spectroscopic doubles Other Objects Galactic and Quasar redshifts Nebular structures Comets and Planets
Slide 4Equipment – Visual Spectroscopy Prism CD-ROM Project Star Spectrometer Naked Eye (Rainbows & Moonbows)
Slide 5Equipment – Telescopic Spectrographs More Expensive SBIG SGS LHIRES III Baader DADOS Sivo Scientific Nu-View II Moderately Expensive SBIG DSS-7 Less Expensive DG Spectrum Filters Rainbow Optics Star Spectroscopes Rigel Systems RS-Spectroscope Paton Hawksley Star Analyser Build Your Own
Slide 6Comparison of 4 Spectrographs Information in light of my experience and maker cases, may not be 100% exact
Slide 7Acquiring Data With the SGS Use CCDSoft Guide on Slit Binning 1x4 Note that pictures are monochrome!
Slide 8Processing Data Dark Subtract, Median Combine (CCDStack) Rotate if Low-Res Mode (IRIS) Wavelength Calibration (vSpec) Flux Calibration for CCD Response (identical to Flat Field)
Slide 9Wavelength Calibration - H Edmund Scientific Lamps are utilized
Slide 10Spectral Types Spectra brought with The SBIG SGS on a 12" LX-200GPS from my Tucson patio on October 16 & 17, 2006. BLUE RED
Slide 11Identifying Stellar Composition
Slide 12Emission Nebula The OIII emanation lines were thought to be another component in the mid 20 th century, "Nebulium".
Slide 13Emission Nebulae
Slide 14Planets
Slide 15Comets
Slide 16Novae
Slide 17Variable Stars
Slide 18Pro-Am Collaborations Amateur spectroscopists were requested that get information on this star, which was an objective for the COROT satellite.
Slide 19Be Stars
Slide 20Young Stars
Slide 21T Tauri An extremely youthful star, as yet experiencing withdrawal.
Slide 22Texas Star Party 2007 This information was gotten early Monday morning at TSP Upper Field. Blueshifted assimilation highlight gives a premise to ascertaining spiral speed of the growing shell. Preparatory figuring from this information is ~ 200 km/sec.
Slide 23DG Spectrum Filter Zero and First Order on Main Chip Vega Use Known Lines to Calibrate in vSpec
Slide 24The Easiest Spectrum to Observe – No Equipment Necessary! For more data see: