Fates Task Force Report

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Fates Task Force Report The Redesign of the Florida Nurses Association Florida Nurses Assocation

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Mary Tittle, Chair Dan O'Neal Andrea Gregg, ex officio Mavra Kear Marsha Martin Mary Lou Brunell Theresa Stanton Jill Tahmooressi Denise McNulty Annmarie Farro Maria Seidel Task Force Members Florida Nurses Assocation

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2007 House of Delegates Action Motion 1-It was moved by Mike Nilsson and supported by Debbie Hogan that the Florida Nurses Association make a Futures Task Force. The team ought to be contained delegates from the BOD, Districts, WFA, LERC and FNA staff. The reason for the Task Force will be to survey the hierarchical structure, race handle and non duty income to guarantee the monetary and operational eventual fate of FNA. Movement Passed. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Discussion Based on Leader and Member Feedback Districts idle/inadequate Difficult to difficult to discover neighborhood initiative Leaders "reuse" or remain in positions past as far as possible in their ordinances Low to no participation at gatherings Meeting are frequently parties just Activities not supporting the mission of FNA Florida Nurses Assocation

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Discussion (proceeded with) Officers at times latent individuals including treasurer FNA holding levy bonded for idle regions No nearby gatherings held by any means/no movement Florida Nurses Assocation

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Major Focus All gatherings inside FNA ought to be required in exercises identified with the center elements of the affiliation. The accompanying territories rose: Sustaining the Profession Quality and Safety Florida Nurses Assocation

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Common Threads Under the points in the past slide there were some consistent themes. The team classified them in the accompanying way Sustaining the calling Practice and Education Redesign Scope of Practice Workforce Research Quality and Safety Linkages with Consumer Groups Disaster Response Sust Florida Nurses Assocation

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Tools for our work The team needed to be obvious that authoritative promotion and research were instruments that were indispensable to the work of FNA. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Other variables Attendance at meetings altogether diminished including tradition. Pattern of House of Delegates-from 1997 to 2007 - Delegate participation logically diminished from 239 to147 Decreased participation implies diminished income for tradition and diminished or no benefit. We have erased 5-6 gatherings in the course of recent years because of low participation/budgetary issues. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Recommendations for Action Transform the House of Delegates Redesign Transform structure from a region to a provincial model Task compel Recommends overhaul from an area structure to a territorial structure Identify conceivable particular vested parties Consider future associations with CAN and UAN Florida Nurses Assocation

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House of Delegates The Task Force suggests that we move from a Biennial Convention with a House of Delegates to an Annual Member Meeting. All individuals on favorable terms will be permitted to vote at this meeting. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Proposed Redesign of District Structure(1 st rendition) Florida Nurses Assocation

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FCN Regional Map Florida Nurses Assocation

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Process Board of Directors will work with individuals from the first team to shape a State Transition Team and Regional Transition Teams It is suggested that locales take after the model of the Florida Workforce Regions Florida Nurses Assocation

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Formation of Exploration Team After talk at the Leadership meeting it was resolved that if would be valuable to frame an "Investigation Team" to take a gander at the alternatives and set up an arrangement to start work post tradition. The gathering met twice and defined suggestions in view of their discoveries. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Members of the Exploration Team Members comprise of District Presidents from over the state or their designees. They are: Barbara Russell, District 5, Chair Janice Hoff, District 1 Judith Brustad, District 9 Judy Crager, District 30 Denise McNulty, District 29 Brandy Lehman, District 4 Mary Sapp, District 35 Ellyn Dunlap, District 2 Zilla Thompson, District 35 Jessie Quick, District 9 Andrea Gregg, FNA President, Ex officio Florida Nurses Assocation

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Work of the Exploration Team Members of the Exploration Team evaluated the report of the Task Force and the Summary of the 2009 Leadership Meeting which a few had gone to. A portion of the significant purposes of discourse were: The extent of the areas in light of the FCN demonstrate Other conceivable models-Legislative Districts The present region show The attitude of region supports in the wake of rebuilding The structure and exercises of the locales The quantity of medical attendants in every area The quantity of FNA individuals in every locale Members of the team chose to talk with a few states who had rebuilt comparatively in regards to their experience, Those states being, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina and Alabama. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Results of Informal Survey of States had moved to Regional or Chapter Structure Some states had moved to a general state structure with no geographic assignments, yet had sections in light of capacity, clinical zone or a particular action Chapters could be geographic, or vast. A store for framed for section utilize. Parts connected for the assets as required. Ventures must be compatible with the mission and vision of FNA. An advisory group would be shaped to survey gifts. They no longer held a House of Delegates, however held a yearly enrollment meeting or participation get together. Individuals voted on issues, for example, local laws changes, levy increments, and so forth. All individuals on favorable terms who were in participation are permitted to vote. In a few states, officers are chosen to concur with locales, in different states they kept their past board structure. The quantity of medical caretakers in every territory was not relevant if the sections are not fundamentally geographic in nature. States were having accomplishment with the new structure and did not see a lessening in participation. Some had a slight increment. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Recommendation of Exploration Team Adopt a territorial model utilizing the Legislative Regional Model(may be changed in view of part info) Develop a procedure for shaping sections Develop a gifts procedure for financing section exercises Transition to a yearly part meeting (ordinances leave an alternative to skip years if need be) with part present and voting. (Majority built up in local laws) Districts will build up a move plan and record for use of the assets by means of answer to FNA board. Timetable for move will be resolved. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Regions in light of Legislative Districts Florida Nurses Assocation

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Implication for Bylaws have been created to complete the work of the Futures Task Force with contribution from the Leadership, The Board of Directors and other auxiliary units, for example, LERC and WFA, these local laws will be introduced for dialog, change and voting at the 2009 House of Delegates at the Centennial Convention September 23-24 in St. Petersburg. They were seen in the June Issue of The Florida Nurse and posted on the FNA site for audit. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Financial Implications Each locale at present gets $10 per part The Task Force suggests that this cash goes into a store that districts or specific vested parties (Chapters) can apply for to create or start extends that are identified with the center mission of FNA. A give procedure would be made for this reason. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Finance Committee Finance Committee will take a gander at the money related ramifications and make proposals to the BOD with respect to the new structure. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Current Funds in District Treasuries Current regions would have a few choices for the present assets: Utilize the assets for conclusive region exercises Donate the assets to a non-benefit, for example, the Florida Nurses Foundation Return the assets to the FNA to be assigned for future territorial exercises Return the assets to the FNA working record. A last bookkeeping will be asked for by FNA Florida Nurses Assocation

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Work of the State Transition Team Oversee/Coordinate work of the Regional Transition Teams Collect and examine work from the Regional Teams Compile a report of proposals from every locale Florida Nurses Assocation

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Work of the Regional Transition Teams Evaluate proposed areas and make suggestions for correction if necessary Create a local authority/administration structure Create a menu of conceivable provincial exercises/ventures/Special Interest Groups Discuss/propose choices for directing business, (eg. Gatherings, telephone calls, online techniques, for example, net-meeting) Florida Nurses Assocation

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Other Actions Develop an enrollment menu to include: State-just membership* Continue our current participation alternatives * ANA-just enrollment there is an equal concurrence with the state to give ANA just enrollment. FNA gets $45 for every ANA just part, ANA gets $45 for each FNA just part. Florida Nurses Assocation

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Administrative Implications (if this goes at the HOD) Set up of new classes (locale versus area) in participation PC program Set up of new enrollment classifications in participation programming Set up of new details in money related programming Development of new participation materials for the new classifications of participation Promotion of the progressions in TFN, Members Only and by means of the web Florida Nurses Assocation

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Questions? Concerns? Florida Nurses Assocation