Debacle Social Services

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Presentation Transcript

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Diagram Disaster Social Services

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Mandate Every region is commanded under the Emergency Management Act to give help to evacuees in case of a crisis or catastrophe.

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Emergency Management Act (ALBERTA) SECTION 11(a) "The nearby power of every region might, at all times, be in charge of the course and control of the neighborhood power's crisis reaction"

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Definition Disaster Social Services (DSS) is an arranged crisis reaction program proposed to meet the prompt and long haul survival and mental needs of people affected by a crisis or fiasco

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Erlton Fire 2001

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Mission Statement Disaster Social Services creates and keeps up a complete arrangement that incorporates the arrangement of essential nourishment , apparel , cabin and individual administrations so as to tend to those cleared amid a catastrophe

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DSS Activation Criteria When a departure influences  100 residents, the Red Cross Disaster Unit might be called by Calgary Emergency Management to react to particular needs When a crisis in Calgary influences  100 subjects, DSS reacts to their necessities and may set up a Reception Center

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Reception Center A deliberately found focus that has been beforehand endorsed by the Lodging Team A one-stop benefit site to which individuals empty, and where their quick fundamental needs are met by the DSS groups Also serves as a get-together place and data focus Description

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Reception Center Food Lodging Personal Services Clothing Registration & Inquiry DSS conveys these fundamental administrations to evacuees at a Reception Center

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Who is Involved Community Organizations that have been prepared as per the DSS Plan The City of Calgary's DSS Team is included two segments: First Responders/DSS Teams (City of Calgary staff)

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Who Is Involved City of Calgary Staff DSS Director Chris Branch, Director, CNS DSS Coordinator: Rick Kanik, Manager, Senior Services Full Time DSS Planner - Arlene Baxendale Admin Coordinator – Linda O'Toole First Responders Trained City of Calgary representatives, who frame 10 specific DSS groups (approx 120) Generalists City of Calgary workers from Community & Neighborhood Services who are not on a particular DSS group (approx 200)

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Who is Involved Clothing Administration Food Communications Lodging Finance Personal Services Human Resources Reception Center Management Logistics At a Reception Center, these groups give DIRECT administrations to natives First Responders are City of Calgary workers who are individuals from one of these particular DSS groups: First Responders These SUPPORT groups empower the immediate administrations to be conveyed adequately

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Who is Involved A Generalist is any City of Calgary worker inside Community and Neighborhood Services who is not an individual from a particular DSS group Generalists In an extensive debacle reaction, a generalist might be called upon whenever to give help to any of the 10 DSS groups in either a general or concentrated limit

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How DSS is Activated 1. Calgary Emergency Management Contacts the DSS Director 2. DSS Director Contacts the DSS Coordinator and DSS Planner 3. DSS Coordinator/Planner Deploys QRAT * to decide the level of reaction required 4. Once the level of reaction is resolved and if the DSS groups are required, the DSS Coordinator/Planner start the fan-out process *QRAT = Quick Response Assessment Team This is a specific gathering inside the DSS Personal Services group

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How DSS is Activated Calgary Emergency Management DSS Director DSS Coordinator/Planner QRAT Team 10 DSS Teams Direct Service Teams Clothing Food Lodging Personal Services Reception Center Mgmt Support Teams Administration Communications Finance Human Resources Logistics

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DSS Responses Hub Oil Explosion August 1999 Lynwood Ridge June 2001 New York Response (9/11) September 2001 Duralite Fire November 2001 Hazco Fire December 2001 G8 Summit (EOC Only) June 2002 Erlton Fire May 2002 First Church of Christ Scientist Fire June 2002 Century Gardens Fire September 2002 BC Fires August 2003 Edmonton Hail & Flood Disaster July 2004

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DSS Responses Calgary Flood June 2005 Suncourt Place Fire February 2007 Provincial Disaster Recovery Program June 2007 Lakeview Mews Fire July 2007 Dover Seniors Fire August 2008

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What to Expect Para-Military framework (i.e. various leveled, manage based, clear line of power and obligation) Hectic environment Evacuees who might be damaged At a Reception Center

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What to Expect Ensure your own family's fundamental needs are met first As you will be of no assistance to evacuees until you are sure your family is dealt with (e.g. tyke mind) Advise your family/manager where you will be Ensure that work obligations are secured Realize that 100% of your exertion & responsibility are required at a Reception Center If you can't give this, exhort your DSS chief Never help any sort of debacle reaction with which you have a passionate connection (i.e. a relative or companion was a casualty of the occasion) Responsibilities & Self Care (Before answering to the Reception Center)

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Top Reasons to Get Involved Career Enhancement Corporate and Community acknowledgment Opportunity to "Have any kind of effect"! Brotherhood and Teamwork Satisfaction of knowing you helped when it was most required Valuable Courses and Training Benefits of Joining a Team

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Training Opportunities ARES Radio Certification Basic DSS Training Crisis Intervention During Disasters DSS Orientation Emergency Operations Center (Levels 1 & 2) First Aid: Emergency Level Mock Disaster Exercises Personal Disaster Preparedness Train the Trainer (Tabletop works out) Local and National Conferences

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The work of Disaster Social Services touches the lives of all Calgarians DSS is arranged and focused on aiding those in need amid times of calamity Your inclusion is imperative towards guaranteeing that DSS can react viably when fiascos happen

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How to Get Involved Contact Arlene Baxendale DSS Planner (403) 268-3543