Pontificia Universidad Cat ólica de Chile School of Engineering Computer Science Department Transforming the Classroom Experience: Face to Face Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Miguel Nussbaum mn@ing.puc.cl copyright 2005 ã DICTUC SA. All rights held Patent Pending
Slide 2The issue and its answer.
Slide 4copyright 2005 @ DICTUC SA. All rights held
Slide 5Technology in the Classroom: Face to Face Human and Machine Mediation
Slide 6Change of Roles copyright 2005 @ DICTUC SA. All rights saved
Slide 7Development of social and correspondence capacities copyright 2005 @ DICTUC SA. All rights saved
Slide 8Development of social and correspondence capacities copyright 2005 @ DICTUC SA. All rights saved
Slide 9How we utilized it.
Slide 13In Class Experience.
Slide 142700 Students in 8 Schools: Antofagasta, Santiago, Galvarino, Easter Island copyright 2005 @ DICTUC SA. All rights held
Slide 15Empirical Results Physics 9 th grade Physics 10 th grade Effect Size ninth first sem.: 0,55 (medium impact) ninth sec. semester.: 0,45 (medium impact) tenth first semester: 0,37 (little impact) tenth second semester: 0,88 (huge impact)
Slide 16Teacher Training with the Minsitry of Education (21 courses, 418 instructors) copyright 2005 @ DICTUC SA. All rights saved
Slide 18Conclusion.
Slide 19Technology exchange inside the school: A point everybody accepts. Showing material science is not one. A Principal that accepts on the venture and rises above it inside the school. An educator that is a pioneer of the venture inside the school
Slide 20Organization of American States Award
Slide 21copyright 2005 @ DICTUC SA. All rights held
Slide 22Pontificia Universidad Cat ólica de Chile School of Engineering Computer Science Department Transforming the Classroom Experience: Face to Face Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Miguel Nussbaum mn@ing.puc.cl copyright 2005 ã DICTUC SA. All rights saved Patent Pending