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. . . . . Every material in the library has its own one of a kind call number. It shows up in the library\'s on-line catalog.Understanding the Call Numbers and the Classification System will make it less demanding for you to recover Library materials.. . . The call number is additionally connected to the spine of the book. It is similar to a location that lets you know where the library material is located.It additionally gives the i

Presentation Transcript

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. Every material in the library has its own remarkable call number. It shows up in the library's on-line list. Understanding the Call Numbers and the Classification System will make it simpler for you to recover Library materials.

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The call number is additionally joined to the spine of the book. It resembles an address that reveals to you where the library material is found. It likewise gives the data, for example, the subject, First letter of the creator's last name and the time of production.

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In the Bertha Smith Library the call numbers are relegated by the Library of Congress Classification System. It is an alphanumeric framework comprising of both letters and numbers.

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In this Classification System materials are separated into twenty-one general branches of knowledge. Each Subject territory is spoken to by a letter. A - General Works B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion C - Auxiliary Sciences of History D - History: General and outside the Americas E - History: United States F - History: United States Local and America G - Geography H - Social Sciences J - Political Science K - Law X (non-LC) - Non Common Law L - Education M - Music N - Fine Arts P - Language and Literature Q - Science R - Medicine S - Agriculture T - Technology U - Military Science V - Naval Science Z - Library Science

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These 21 branches of knowledge are further separated into sub-classifications. For an illustration, see the sub-classes under Philosophy, brain research and religion Sub-classifications in B: Philosophy, brain science and religion B - History and Systems of Philosophy BC - Logic BD - Speculative Philosophy BF - Psychology BH - Esthetics BJ - Ethics BL - Religions, Mythology, Rationalism BM - Judaism BP - Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy BQ - Buddhism BR - Christianity (General) BS - The Bible BT - Doctrinal Theology BV - Practical Theology BX - Denominations and Sects

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The sub-classifications are further isolated into a few subdivision of subjects. These subdivisions are spoken to by numbers. BS 1-2970 - The Bible BS 11-115 - Early forms BS 125-355 - Modern writings and variants BS 125-198 - English BS 199-313 - Other European dialects BS 315-355 - Non-European dialects BS 315 - Asian dialects BS 325 - African dialects BS 335 - Languages of Oceania and Australasia BS 345 - American Indian dialects BS 350 - Mixed dialects BS 355 - Artificial dialects BS 410 - 680 Works about the Bible BS 500-534.8 Criticism and understanding

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How to peruse LC call numbers Every LC call number starts with one to three letters. E.g.: B BT 121 966.2 .K56 .G7 1970 1986

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First Line of the Call Number First Line: The primary line of call numbers portrays the general branch of knowledge. In the case beneath, the letters " BT" speak to Doctrinal Theology. On the off chance that you are searching for books on Doctrinal Theology, you will discover them in "BT" area.

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Second Line of the Call Number Second Line: The second number line speaks to the tight branch of knowledge. Perused it overall number. The Specific Number 966.2 in BT speaks to religious philosophy identifying with blessed messengers.

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Third Line of the Call Number Third Line: The following number is known as the cutter number. The Letter-number more often than not shows the creator. Smith could be .S6. Graham could be .G7

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Last Line of the Call Number The last if number, if present, is the time of Publication.

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How are the call numbers orchestrated? When you are searching for a thing, dependably begin with the top line of the call number. Things are masterminded one after another in order. All BR numbers are as one, after BP and before BS, and all B's come after all blends of An and before all mixes of C.

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Congratulations! Congrats! You've finished the Bertha Smith LC Call Numbers instructional exercise. On the off chance that you have any further inquiries, you can send inquiries to or call 770-484-1204 ext. 263.