Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 Creating Buttons For Websites
Slide 2Launch Photoshop Program, File>New
Slide 3Set Width & Height to Inches, Resolution 72 dpi, Mode RGB, OK
Slide 4Image>Mode>RGB to Edit
Slide 5Window>Layers Double Click the Background Layer & Rename to Unlock
Slide 6After Double Clicking on the Locked Italic Background Layer Text Rename It, OK
Slide 7View>Rulers to Control the Size of The Buttons You Create
Slide 8Window>Layer Styles
Slide 9Drag the Layer Styles Palette Down by the Tab in the Palette Well to Keep it Open for Making Selections
Slide 10Layer Styles Drop-Down Menu Choices
Slide 11Layer Styles Drop-Down Menu Choices
Slide 12Layer Styles Drop-Down Menu Choices
Slide 13With the Rectangle Tool Drag Select the Desired Button Size
Slide 14Click on the Foreground Color Box to Select the Desired Button Color Foreground Background
Slide 15Edit>Fill the Selected Color
Slide 16The Selected Color Fills the Rectangle
Slide 17Select the Desired Layer Style
Slide 18If the Selection Overfills the Rectangle, Select>Inverse, & Delete Key to Remove Excess
Slide 19Now Only Your Shape is Filled Edit>Deselect
Slide 20Select the Crop Tool, Drag Select the Area to Keep>Return Key
Slide 21Only Your Button Remains
Slide 22File>Save As
Slide 23File>Save As, Name in Lowercase, .psd & Check Layers, Save
Slide 24Keep a .psd Copy of the Button for Adding New Text To Each Button
Slide 25Select Text Foreground Color & Text Tool, Click and Type Title
Slide 26The Font Tools are Along the Top & the Move Tool is on the Left
Slide 27File>Save For Web
Slide 28Select .gif or .jpg File Format, OK
Slide 29Name All Lowercase With File Extension, Save to Desktop
Slide 30Completed Button for Adding to Your Webpage