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Repeat demonstrating wire worm harm to stand. Wire worm harm under field conditions in ahead of schedule spring. Grown-up

Presentation Transcript

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Administration OF WIRE WORM (COLEOPTERA:ELATERIDAE) USING SEED TREATMENT PRODUCTS David E. Bragg, Ph.D. Washington State University Extension Entomologist

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Replicate indicating wire worm harm to stand

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Wire worm harm under field conditions in early spring

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Adult "Snap" Beetle Limonius canus Basin Wire Worm

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False wire worm grown-up Eleodes hisperlabrus

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WIRE WORM STUDIES IN FALL SEEDED WHEAT 2002-2003 RBCD 4 x 10 x 30 10 medicines seeded 9-23-02 Hegi Cone Seeder Seeded into sweet corn buildup with Limonius canus hatchlings display Plant stand per 13/m2 numbered 3 DPE Harvest 8-20-2003 Winter-Steiger plot join *Some variable BYDV side effects noted = Lindane does not give aphid insurance = yield misfortune. AOV;LSD t Test 0.05 = numbers took after by same letter are NSD.

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2003 Winter Wheat Wire Worm Trial Results Treatment Rate/CWT Stand Yield Bu/AC Poncho 0.10 13.1b 115.6a Gaucho 480 1.00 13.8b 115.3a Cruiser 0.80 13.2b 112.7a Poncho 0.80 13.8b 112.5a Poncho 0.13 13.7b 107.9b Gaucho 480 0.16 12.8bc 104.7b Gaucho 480 0.24 12.6bc 104.4b Cruiser 0.19 13.3b 104.4b RMD only 5.00 10.9d 101.0c Lindane 1.00 12.2bc 76.3d* __________________________________________________________ Total dampness for 2002-2003 17 inches ppt. & water system joined. *BCOA vectoring BYDV was principle yield calculate. Note plant stand contrasts for wire worm action in yield cycle.

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2004 SEED TREATMENT SPRING WHEAT TRIAL Fall seeded SWWW 2003 "fizzled" – reseeded to SWSW 2004 Seeded 4-7-2004 with Hegi Cone Seeder plot penetrate at CFRF in RCBD x 4 recreates 8 x 20 feet with 6 medications inc. UTC (RXT) All medicines with RXT at 5 fl oz/cwt. Assortment "Alpowa" has no imperviousness to any bug Plant stand checks 18" push 10 DPE Russian wheat aphid numbers of 5 swarmed tillers 48 DPE (anthesis) Harvested 7-22-04 utilizing Winter-Steiger Plot Combine Total dampness for trial was 17" by ppt. what's more, water system AOV;LSD t Test 0.05

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2004 SWSW Trial Results Treatment Rate/Cwt RWA% Stand Bu/Ac Poncho 600 0.20 0.25c 16.0a 79.8a Poncho 600 0.10 0.50c 15.5a 79.7a Gaucho 480 0.32 1.00c 14.0a 75.8b Gaucho 480 0.16 2.50b 11.0b 67.9c Cruiser 0.19 2.50b 10.8b 69.7c RMD only 5.00 18.50a 9.0c 67.4c ________________________________________________________ AOV; LSD t Test p = 0.5 – numbers took after by same letter NSD. Plant stand was main consideration in yield diminishment in this trial = wire worm harm. RWA flight past the point where it is possible to effect yield.

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2004-2005 Winter Wheat Trial Rod/Madsen 50/50 seeded 10-11-2004 = dry fall 7 medications seeded in RCBD 4 recreates of 10 x 20 feet Seeded with Hegi Cone Seeder 60 lbs section of land equal All medicines treated with RXT 0.16 fl oz cwt in addition to Evershield Protectant at 0.15 fl oz cwt Cold, dry winter with just snow in district on trial site Emergence variable preceding dampness so stand tally made 202 DPE on 4-8-05 Anthesis happened May 26 = 220 DPE – BYDV assessed as 34.5% in RXT check just = all bug sprays successful against BCOA Harvested 281 DPE by Winter Steiger plot Combine Some sucker tillers loaded with July downpours = expanded yield Total dampness for product cycle 9/1 to collect = 17 inches including precipitation and water system

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2005 SWWW TRIAL RESULTS Treatment Rate/Cwt Plant Stand Yield Bu/Ac Gaucho 480 1.50 10.8a 126.0a Gaucho 480 1.00 10.3a 121.8a Poncho 600 0.77 12.8a 119.8a Poncho 600 0.52 12.0a 113.8a Cruiser 0.80 12.3a 107.0b Poncho 600 0.26 11.8a 104.0b RXT 0.16 6.9b 94.3c ________________________________________________________ AOV;LSD t Test 0.10 Numbers took after by same letter NSD. Ca. half stand diminishment in RXT check contrasted with different medicines because of wire worm harm.

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2005 SWSW Trial RCBD with 11 medicines x 4 imitates 4 x 16 feet every Variety "Alpowa" seeded by Hegi Cone Seeder 60lbs section of land equal on 7 inch dividing Seeding date 5-13-05 Emergence 5-20-05 Plant stand depend on 5-26-05 = 6 DPE 1.5 feet push additionally described 6-28-05 no adjustment in stand Harvested by Winter Steiger Plot Combine 8-15-05 Total dampness for trial was 13.5 inches including precipitation and supplemental water system AOV;LSD t Test 0.10 Test weight was 60 lbs for every bushel

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2005 Spring Wheat Trial Results Treatment Rate/CWT Stand Bu/Ac Poncho 600 0.80 15.3a 43.4a Gaucho 480 1.00 13.0b 43.1a Cruiser 0.80 12.3c 42.3b Poncho 600 0.20 14.8a 40.2b Poncho 600 0.10 12.8b 39.9b Gaucho 480 0.32 11.3c 39.9b Gaucho 480 0.16 10.5d 37.8c Lindane 1.00 12.5b 32.9d DE 1.00 8.5d 32.0d RXT 0.16 9.6d 27.3d UTC - 8.5d 25.8e ________________________________________________________ AOV:LSD t Test 0.10 Note: stand contrasts identify with wire worm action at early plant development All medications with RXT aside from UTC

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SPRING WHEAT TRIAL COMPARING CRUISER AND GAUCHO 480 FIELD RATES Much discourse about what rates of Gaucho 480 and Cruiser ought to be utilized has been had over late years so a trial utilizing "Alpowa" SWSW was seeded with 8 medications of 4 recreates of 4 x 16 feet. Seeding by Hegi Cone Seeder in 7 inch push dispersing = 60 lbs for every section of land . Seeded 5-13-2005. Dampness was lower than for other spring wheat trials - at 11.5 inches including precipitation fall and water system. Thus lower than run of the mill yields. Gather information gathered by Winter Steiger Plot Combine on 7-23-05.

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Results in plant stand and yield for correlation trial Treatment Rate Stand RWA% Bu/Ac Gaucho 480 0.35 14.3 5.3a 35.0a Cruiser 0.35 16.1 5.3a 34.6a Cruiser 0.19 13.5 33.5b 32.2b Gaucho 480 0.16 14.6 34.6c 25.6b RXT only 0.16 14.6 100.0c 24.0c DE only 1.00 12.8 100.0c 27.6b UTC - 12.8 100.0c 21.1d ________________________________________________________ AOV;LSD t Test 0.10 Yield CV = 17.6 RWA % CV = 1.78 Stand CV = 12.7 ¥ 35 bu/air conditioning was a decent yield for swsw in 2005.

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Conclusions of Comparison Trial for Gaucho and Cruiser Rates 1 Wire worm were available at seeding however high CV for WW demonstrates they were not a main consideration in plant stand thickness (1/4 Meter push). 2 Based on Russian Wheat Aphid % invaded tillers and coming about yield information the rates of Gaucho 480 (600) and Cruiser look at on a rate premise not surprisingly. 3 Trend is to utilize ca. 0.30 fl oz/cwt for both items for comparable cost and adequacy. 4 Yield comes about for all trials demonstrate the requirement for a seed treatment bug spray. Poncho 600 (Chlothianidin) is still under rate particular trial study and shows guarantee for enlistment soon.