Administration Intervention and Transaction Bootstrapping as First Accomplishments Towards Self-versatile Framework and

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Benefit Mediation and Negotiation Bootstrapping as First Achievements Towards Self-versatile Grid and Cloud Services Ivona Brandic , Dejan Music, Schahram Dustdar Distributed Systems Group Institute of Information Systems Vienna University of Technology {ivona,dejan,dustdar} GMAC'09: Workshop Grids Meets Autonomic Computing Barcelona, Spain, 15 June 2009 Associated with the sixth International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'09)

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Cloud Computing N egotiation bootstrapping & benefit intercession Services are designed on request, reconfigured Self-* attributes Automatic SLA administration Self-administration … Source: "Buyya, Yeo, Venugopal, Broberg, Brandic. Distributed computing and Emerging IT Platforms: Vision, Hype and Reality for Delivering Computing as 5 th Utility, Elsevier Science 2009."

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Cloud Characteristic Deployment Types Delivery Models Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) Use supplier's applications over a system e.g.,,… Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) Deploy client made applications to a cloud e.g., Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, … Cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Rent handling, stockpiling, organize limit, and other key registering assets e.g., EC2 – Elastic Computer Cloud, S3 – Simple Storage Service, Simple DB,… Private cloud Enterprise possessed or rented e.g., if there should arise an occurrence of server farms, HPC focuses,… Community cloud Shared foundation for particular group Public cloud Sold to people in general, uber scale framework e.g., ec2, S3,… Hybrid cloud Composition of at least two mists Source: "Adequately and Securely Using the Cloud Computing Paradigm" Peter Mell, Tim Grance NIST, Information Technology Laboratory

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Cloud empowering Technologies Primary Technologies Other Technologies Autonomic Systems Web 2.0 Web application structures SLAs Virtualization Grid innovation SOA Distributed Computing Broadband Network Browser as a stage Free and Open Source Software Source: "Successfully and Securely Using the Cloud Computing Paradigm" Peter Mell, Tim Grance NIST, Information Technology Laboratory

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Cloud-Like Environments ��  Problems/Research Issues 5 key cloud attributes: On request self-benefit, ubiquitos arrange get to, asset pooling, fast versatility, pay per utilize ��  expected quality Frequent client communications may turn into a hindrance for the accomplishment of Cloud figuring ��  utilization of autonomic figuring Establishment of SLAs diverse SLA conventions distinctive transaction procedures diverse security instrument Non-coordinating SLA formats Managed through an autonomic procedure GMAC'09

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Autonomic Process QoS Example Autonomic Manager Service Compositions Mapping Strategies QoS Metric Protocol arranging investigation Knowledge Negotiation utilizing VieSLAF system QoS Metric Protocol Evaluation observing execution Actuator Sensor Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) Project: FoSII – Foundations of Self-representing ICT Infrastructures

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Heterogeneity of Grids and Clouds How to delineate distinctive SLA layouts ? Arrangement : Negotiation Bootstrapping Cloud or Grid … DB Apps . Applications . WS SLA Before the administration execution ! Transaction Strategy A SLA Template Y How to delineate distinctive arrangement systems ? Customer Middleware Consumer SLA Template X Negotiation Strategy B Solution : Service Mediation Provider GMAC'09

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Lifecycle of a self-reasonable Cloud Service Meta Negotiation Implementation of first self administration techniques for SLA mappings and meta negot iations Self-Management Post handling Execution

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Autonomic Process for MN and SM Definition and distribution of meta-transaction record Prerequisite Sensor Execution of meta arrangement Detection of SLA irregularities observing Evaluation of existing bootstrapping methodologies Evaluation of existing SLA mappings examination Knowledge Application of existing and meaning of new bootstrapping procedures Application of existing and meaning of new SLA mappings arranging Execution of bootstrapping Application of SLA mappings to satisfy effective SLA contracting execution Actuator Negotiation Bootstrapping Service Mediation

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Scenario for Meta Negotiations Pre-essentials Security issues Negotiation terms Negotiation Documents Protocols Agreement Arbitrator Service suppliers distributed meta-transaction coordinating query Service purchaser transaction GMAC'09

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Sample Meta Negotiation Protocol <meta-transaction xmlns:xsi= … > <entity> <ID name="1234"/> … </entity> <pre-requisite> <role name="Consumer"/> <security> <authentication name="GSI"/><authorization name="xy"/> </security> <negotiation-terms> <negotiation-term name="beginTime"/> <negotiation-term name="endTime"/> <negotiation-term name="price"/> </arrangement terms> </pre-requisite> <negotiation> < report name="WSLA" value="uri" version="1.0"/> < archive name="WS-Agreements" value="uri" version="1.0"/> < convention name="alternateOffers" schema="uri" version="1.0" location="uri"/> </negotiation> <agreement> <confirmation name="confirmator" value="arbitrator"/> </agreement> </meta-negotiation> GMAC'09

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Management of SLA Mappings 4. Allot mappings 1. Relegate to administration class Service Registry 3. Seek administrations 2. Allocate mappings Template A: Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 ... Benefit n Template A: Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 ... Benefit n Template A: Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 ... Benefit n Service Consumer Service Provider 5. Layout adjustment

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Example SLA Mapping & Mapping Scenario Local WSLA format Rule From nearby to remote Rule From neighborhood to remote Rule from nearby to remote + <xsl:template match="/ns:SLA/ns:ServiceDefinition/ns:WSDLSOAPOperation/ns:Metric[@name='calculatePrice']/ns:Function"> <ns:Function xsi:type="Times resultType="float"> <ns:Operand> <xsl:copy> <xsl:copy-of select="@*|node()"/> </xsl:copy> </ns:Operand> <ns:Operand> <ns:FloatScalar> 0.68096718 </ns:FloatScalar> </ns:Operand> </ns:Function> </xsl:template> XSLT change Rule From neighborhood to remote XSLT change Rule From nearby to remote Rule from remote to nearby Service shopper + Remote WSLA format Service supplier + XSLT change Rule From nearby to remote Rule From nearby to remote Rule from remote to nearby XSLT change Rule From neighborhood to remote Rule From nearby to remote Local WSLA format Rule from neighborhood to remote + GMAC'09

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VieSLAF Framework Adaptation Registry 3. Coordinating … Adaptation Service DB Learning capacities Monitoring Knowledge Base Measurement Service 2. Distributed, Querying 1. Distributed MN and SLA Mapping Middelware MN and SLA Mapping Middelware Gridbus Broker 4. Session Establishment Aneka Meta-Negotiation Meta - Negotiation Handshaking Amadeus Workflow Alternate Offers Negotiation Strategy Alternate Offers Negotiation Strategy Local SLA Template Local SLA Template WSDL 5. Transaction Party 1 Party 2 API Service Consumer Service Provider 6. Benefit Invocation Execution

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Monitoring Service Starts subsequent to distributed into classification SLAs are parsed and it is distinguished which SLA must be observed and how Periodically measured parameters versus estimation on demand Parameter pool Methods: Knock in Retrieve measured parameters from parameter pool Composite Metrics Availability, benefit ask for time Resource Metrics Service uptime, number of administration summons GMAC'09

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Adaptation Service Templates ought to mirror the lion's share of SLA formats utilized by purchasers and suppliers Remote layouts are adjusted in view of submitted SLA mappings Registry head may characterize learning capacities E.g., How frequently a SLA parameter needs to happen Once an adjustment is done, all SLA layouts are relegated to another modification Monitoring is of SLA parameters is restarted GMAC'09

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Case Study: Amadeus Workflows & ANEKA Workflow Modeling SLA Mapping SLA Mapping User Interface WF MND Workflow Planning and Execution Tool Event Notification Component Participant particular Negotiation and Planning Component Meta Negotiation and SLA Mapping Middleware ANEKA XML config record Meta Negotiation and SLA Mapping Middleware Meta Negotiation and SLA Mapping Middleware Workflow Planner Negotiator SLA Mapping Alternate Offers Negotiation Strategy SLA Mapping Negotiation Strategy XML config document Local SLA Template MND … Local SLA Template MND GMAC'09

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Lifecycle of a self-reasonable Cloud Service Meta Negotiation Implementation of first self administration techniques for SLA mappings and meta negot iations Self-Management Future Work Post preparing Execution

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Conclusion & Future Work Conclusion First accomplishments towards self-sensible Cloud administrations MN archive and MN situation SLA mappings First model of MN framework Integration into existing work process administration device Future Work Self-administration of the execution and post-handling stage GMAC'09

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Questions & Contact data Ivona Brandic Distributed Systems Group Information Systems Institute Vienna University of Technology Austria email: http://www.infosys.tuwie