Aberdeenshire Educational Psychology Service

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Presentation Transcript

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Aberdeenshire Educational Psychology Service Being an Assistant Educational Psychologist

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Why turned into an AEP ? We have chances to encounter the full scope of exercises attempted by instructive therapists. We likewise have entry to the total Continual Professional Development (CPD) program We get supervision from a sanctioned instructive analyst.

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Why… … Develop a mindfulness and learning of the Educational Psychology Service and related offices in readiness for an application to the MSc in Educational Psychology We are given broad chances to shadow EP's in various settings, from classroom to multi organization gatherings.

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What do we do? Help Educational Psychologists in the arranging, execution and assessment of gathering intercessions in schools and nurseries For instance we help with kinship bunches, circle time, "mate" frameworks, moves, social abilities, perceptions and outrage administration mediations and so on

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What do we do cont… … Support the work of Educational Psychologists in venture work, research and supporting proficient improvement For instance we partake in exhibiting and assessing preparing for school staff, order data for EP's.

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More occupations we do… . Do benefit assessment for the Educational Psychology Service as per need, utilizing a scope of research apparatuses Including databases, 'Overview Monkey' polls, and meetings.

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Work we have delighted in being required in Anna: Working with an individual understudy utilizing an arrangement of connected CBT assets concentrating on self-regard and outrage administration. Association in various distinctive move ventures including Bridging Groups and making a P7 DVD. Lindsey: Establishing a review of good practice in Aberdeenshire schools by directing organized meetings with Senior Management Teaching Staff Doing video work in the school setting to highlight regions of good practice inside the classroom Tasha: Conducting vital research into ALEC… .principal to the power Philosophy for youngsters a creative and energizing undertaking.

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Becoming an AEP…

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Becoming an AEP Undergraduate Honors Psychology Degree (Class 2:1 or above) or A comparable capability perceived by the British Psychological Society as presenting qualification for Graduate Basis for enlistment Experience working with kids, youngsters as well as families

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The course to turning into an AEP Lindsey Volunteered at a Special School from second year at Uni Worked there full time as a Support For Learning assistant for a year after Uni with students with complex Additional Support Needs and behavioral issues Worked at a camp in Canada for three months with kids with ASN and their families Worked supporting youngsters with a mental imbalance in a standard school Jan 09 Began filling in as an AEP for Aberdeenshire EPS and has been significant experience to see what an Ed Psyc does by and by.

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Tasha Always worked with youngsters: in Bermuda, showing craftsmanship, French occasion clubs and for the most part loved them. Amid my Psych student worked in a private unit/outreach with youngsters with testing conduct and a mental imbalance and proceeded after Uni Worked in Nepal with 30 kids in a halfway house Completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Residential Childcare-production me more enthusiastic about research. At that point worked in a Council Residential Unit with five young ladies who were cared for. Ed Psych consolidates youngsters, youngsters, training and research-ideally (!) the ideal blend for me.

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Anna Voluntary work encounter: During 3 rd & 4 th year at University I volunteered with an adolescent gathering for young people with ASD and amid occasions I worked with ASN playschemes. I was likewise required with become a close acquaintence with plans as well. After I graduated I volunteered as a Brownie Pack Leader for a year. Paid work encounter: 3 months as a Nursery Assistant in a private nursery 3 months as an ASN Auxiliary in a standard elementary school 1 year as a Classroom Assistant at the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh November 2007 I began as an AEP with Aberdeenshire. Truly valuable having knowledge in 3 of the fundamental phases of instruction in both standard and exceptional schools furthermore having somewhat of a harmony amongst intentional and paid experience.

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Get an assortment of experience and begin developing it early!!!

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Where are AEP Jobs publicized? Committee's own sites TES Website National Newspapers i.e. The Guardian BPS Magazine: The Psychologist

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Useful Websites www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/eps www.dundee.ac.uk www.strath.ac.uk www.bps.org.uk

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Contact Details John.Proctor@aberdeenshire.gov.uk Lindsey.Thomson@aberdeenshire.gov.uk Natasha.Robinson@aberdeenshire.gov.uk Anna.White@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

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Thank you 